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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami and Florida AVIATION Historical Photos Gallery - Airports, Airlines, Aircraft - All Years - click on image to view > Late 1960's - the Goodyear Blimp GZ-19 Mayflower N1A over Biscayne Bay
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Late 1960's Courtesy of Robert Bowman

Late 1960's - the Goodyear Blimp GZ-19 Mayflower N1A over Biscayne Bay

Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Robert Bowman for contributing this great old image of Miami's winter visitor for decades.

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Cliff Smith 28-Jan-2009 03:50
I use to marvel at this thing passing it at it's base in Biscayne Bay
whenever we would go shrimping behind the Miami Herald building.
It was like a sleeping giant as it weather veined around its'
anchor post. Back then you could almost run and keep up with it
at times when it would fly low over the Biscayne Gardens Elementary
playfield. I thought the marquee lights were far better than they are nowadays
but probably a bear to maintain. They just seemed to be more vivid and covered
a bigger area on the blimp. As a kid I thought it was a giant flying
liquid gas tank and that's how it stayed aloft so long. :~ D Great photo!
George 14-Apr-2008 21:00
Don, this is actually the 1970s. The rear fins and the car are painted in the color scheme of that era. This is a great photo by the way.