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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami and Florida AVIATION Historical Photos Gallery - Airports, Airlines, Aircraft - All Years - click on image to view >> Pan American Field - 36th Street Airport - MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (MIA) - Historical Photos Gallery > 1988 - Miami International Airport and downtown Miami in the background
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1988 Don Boyd

1988 - Miami International Airport and downtown Miami in the background

Miami International Airport, Florida

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Don Boyd09-Jun-2008 03:35
Steve, I did not mention it because the Concorde operated 3 times a week to MIA via Dulles from 1984 until 1990 or so (whenever the first Gulf War was) and there were a number of captains on that route, not just one captain. How do you know the particular captain for a flight anytime in 1988 when they operated 156 flights that year?

The Concorde is parked on gate E-9 in the photo but we also assigned them to a couple of other gates on E and most of the gates on the E-Satellite during their years of operation.

And the tower cab is visible in the photo - it's just behind the FIS building on top of the center office complex occupied by the Aviation Department, not the hotel itself. The tower cab has been renovated a couple of times but it has never been moved and has always been occupied except for a month or so after the FAA moved to the new tower and for about a month and a half after Pan Am died and we moved our gate controllers into it. It is still occupied by Aviation Department gate and pushback controllers and is perfect for their needs.

Steve McDonald 09-Jun-2008 02:09
Hi Don, Looks like someone missed mentioning the BA Concorde parked at Gate E5(?) Brian Trubshaw was the Captain of that flight. I also note that the tower is gone from the roof of the hotel.