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1970's Burger Castle

1970's - Burger Castle locations in South Florida

South Florida

According to this flyer there were 11 Burger Castle locations in South Florida:

Red Road in South Miami
Douglas Road and Miracle Mile, Coral Gables
10541 SW 40th Street, Dade County
NW 7th Avenue at 58th Street, Miami
NW 7th Street at 24th Avenue, Miami
N. Federal Highway and 23rd Street, Pompano
444 Hialeah Drive, Hialeah
345 E. 49th Street, Hialeah (across from Hialeah High School)
SW 87th Avenue and Coral Way, Dade COunty
State Road 7 (US 441) and Davie Boulevard, Ft. Lauderdale
6520 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Leighton 24-Apr-2017 17:47
Three of the above locations still have the bases of the original sign.
byron 15-Jul-2015 11:38
they also had a burger castle in perrine, fl. on us1 across from franjo rd. actually the legs of the giant are still there today supporting the business sign. I liked it more than burger king. their chiken was great.