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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area RESTAURANTS, Drive-Ins, Bars, Lounges, Liquor Stores, Clubs, Strip Joints, etc. Gallery - All Years - click to view > 1950's - Chimney Chain Drive-In on the 79th St Causeway, Miami Beach
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1950's? From a postcard

1950's - Chimney Chain Drive-In on the 79th St Causeway, Miami Beach

79th Street Causeway, Miami Beach, Florida

Help, I don't recall this establishment and any information would be greatly appreciated.

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Jeff 27-Nov-2013 07:33
It looks like it was on the North Side of the 79th Street Causeway, so I highly suspect this was the location that became the second Col. Jim's Bar-B-Q, about a block away from Fun Fair.

If so, the building was replaced by the Crab House which in turn became the Mix II amongst other incarnations.

By the way, the causeway has been known as the North Bay Causeway, the 79th Street Causeway and the Kennedy Causeway.