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1950's/1960's Courtesy of Alvin Lederer

1950's/1960's - the Crandon Park Train chugging through the wilderness of Key Biscayne

Crandon Park, Key Biscayne, Florida

Thank you to Alvin Lederer for contributing this old image.

Update 5/22/13:
Hooray, it looks like the county is looking for a concessionaire to run the miniature train at Crandon Gardens, the new name for the old Crandon Zoo. The information below is from the May 22, 2013, Miami Today issue:

Private ventures sought in Crandon Park

Miami-Dade County is looking for concessionaires to operate up to 10 business ventures in its 904-acre Crandon Park on Key Biscayne.
Among ventures on the list could be an outside operator for the restaurant at the Crandon Park Golf Course, long one of the nation’s premier public golf courses that has been home to professional tournaments.

Another concession the county is looking at is a narrow gauge tourist railway in the 52-acre Crandon Gardens site in the park. A narrow-gauge train was in use there for visitors more than three decades ago.

A county announcement Tuesday listed also a canoe and kayak rental concession, a wildlife educational opportunity in a 1.1-acre Crandon Gardens site, a chairs and umbrella rental concession, food service concessions and mobile carts at the 35-acre Crandon Beach, and a cabanas and food service operation at a 2.7-acre Crandon Beach site.
The county is also looking for a bicycle rental service throughout the park, a full-service casual restaurant operator and an amusement rides and party rentals service.
The county’s announcement says it’s seeking a master concessionaire but it’s willing to deal with multiple concessionaires.
“Miami-Dade Parks is seeking to improve the Crandon Park visitor experience,” said Parks Director Jack Kardys. “Expanded opportunities for recreational activities such as canoeing, kayaking and biking complement the character of this designated heritage park.”
In a two-phase approach to finding concessionaires, the county will first meet with candidates from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. June 5 at the Crandon Golf Course Restaurant, 6700 Crandon Blvd.
The next step would be proposals to the county.
Details: Deborah Tavera, (305) 755-5459.

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Sam Hamory 23-Mar-2022 16:23
I rode this train many times as a child in the 60's. A great time to grow up in Miami.
Bill Sullivan 03-May-2011 15:44
My youthful interest in all things railroad made me an instant fan of the Crandon Park train ride around the zoo and through the jungle. For me and I think for most kids in the 50's & early 60's - it was as if we had been transported back in time to a South Florida before it was paved over. Old Miami was a fascinating place to grow up in, and I will always appreciate that I did just that.