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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area RESTAURANTS, Drive-Ins, Bars, Lounges, Liquor Stores, Clubs, Strip Joints, etc. Gallery - All Years - click to view > 1943 - the cover of a photo folder (see next photo) from the Frolic Club, "Most Beautiful Danceland in Miami"
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1943 Courtesy of Joy Sexton

1943 - the cover of a photo folder (see next photo) from the Frolic Club, "Most Beautiful Danceland in Miami"

13th Street at MacArthur Causeway, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Joy Sexton for contributing this image of a folder cover containing the next photo of sailors and girls having a good time at the Frolic Club. Joy's dad Petty Officer First Class Bill Beasley is on the far right. He was 24 years old and his sister was killed by a street car in Detroit just six months earlier. He was assigned to the Navy's SCTC (Sub Chaser Training Command) in Miami and after graduation he was transferred to the destroyer escort USS CONKLIN.

(Joy: your e-mail service rejected my reply thanking you for contributing the photo)

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