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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area Tourist and Local ATTRACTIONS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1935 - Everglades Jungle Cruise Brochure cover
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1935 Courtesy of Alvin Lederer

1935 - Everglades Jungle Cruise Brochure cover

Miami, Florida

Thank you to Alvin Lederer for contributing this old image scanned from a brochure.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Fred Albury 13-Aug-2019 05:40
Didn't raise birds that I've heard of. Capt. Albury abt 6ft Nassau accent, white guy. He was very polite and christian man, never cussed, smoked or drank.
Lee Martines 22-Nov-2018 07:54
Fred, did your grandfather also raise birds? Around 1955 my girlfriend's mother owned a pet supply in Little River that I worked in for the summer. A Capt. Albury used to come in to buy bags of bird seed. Nice guy!
Fred V Albury 09-Oct-2017 05:17
Capt. Bill was my Grandfather Capt. William "Bill" A. Albury. Eventually he ran 5 boats from glass bottomed boats the the 300 passenger Seven Seas Dreamboat, the Island Queen, the Mermaid. All part of Albury Motor Boat Lines.