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Don Boyd | profile | all galleries >> People, Family and Friends Photo Galleries >> Friends Gallery #1 - 1955 to 1999 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Friends Gallery #1 - 1955 to 1999

The most interesting thing about life itself is the people you are fortunate to meet during your winding path throughout the years of your life. These photos spanning 60 years are of most of my friends during my lifetime and I'll add more when I find the photos and scan them.

This Friends Gallery was becoming too large so I split it into "Friends #1 - 1955 to 1999" and "Friends #2 - 2000 to 2017." The new "Friends #2" gallery is located at .

There are many more photos in these galleries:
~~~ (Don and friends during the 1940's and 1950's)
~~~ (Don and friends during the 1960's)
~~~ (Don and friends, 1970's thru 1990's)
~~~ (Don and friends 2000 and later),
~~~ (Miami International Airport friends),
~~~ (Photographer friends) and
~~~ (Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve friends)

1955 - Mickey Jones, Miami High Class of 1955
1955 - Mickey Jones, Miami High Class of 1955
1960 - Dorothy Walling at the wonderful Crandon Park Zoo
1960 - Dorothy Walling at the wonderful Crandon Park Zoo
1961 - Eddie Sullivan on bike experiment that didn't work
1961 - Eddie Sullivan on bike experiment that didn't work
1961 - Jack Sullivan posing with TWA B707-131 N739TW at the end of Concourse 2 at Miami International
1961 - Jack Sullivan posing with TWA B707-131 N739TW at the end of Concourse 2 at Miami International
1962 - Eddie Sullivan in 7th grade from the 1962 Palm Springs Junior High School yearbook
1962 - Eddie Sullivan in 7th grade from the 1962 Palm Springs Junior High School yearbook
1962 - Ingrid and Sonia Berglund with my old buddies Eric Olson and Norman John Ebel
1962 - Ingrid and Sonia Berglund with my old buddies Eric Olson and Norman John Ebel
1962 - Dotty Cheleotis, great neighbor and Miami News counselor
1962 - Dotty Cheleotis, great neighbor and Miami News counselor
1962 - Ruben Rivera (right) and his cousin at the Homestead AFB Open House in 1962
1962 - Ruben Rivera (right) and his cousin at the Homestead AFB Open House in 1962
1962 - Charlotte Tidwell
1962 - Charlotte Tidwell
1962 - Nancy Payne
1962 - Nancy Payne
1962 - Elizabeth Libby Sciadini
1962 - Elizabeth "Libby" Sciadini
1963 - Elizabeth Strasser
1963 - Elizabeth Strasser
1963 - Barbara Stoeber
1963 - Barbara Stoeber
1963 - Barbara Stoeber
1963 - Barbara Stoeber
1963 - Barbara Stoeber
1963 - Barbara Stoeber
1963 - Sylvia Carmellini
1963 - Sylvia Carmellini
1965 - Janice Dale in my Hialeah High Class of 1965
1965 - Janice Dale in my Hialeah High Class of 1965
1965 - Mary Ann Knight with a Jaguar XKE at Ft. Lauderdale beach
1965 - Mary Ann Knight with a Jaguar XKE at Ft. Lauderdale beach
1965 - Mary Ann Knight at Haulover Beach
1965 - Mary Ann Knight at Haulover Beach
1965 - Mary Ann Knight at Haulover Beach
1965 - Mary Ann Knight at Haulover Beach
1965 - Donna Douglas and Jack Sullivan at Haulover Beach
1965 - Donna Douglas and Jack Sullivan at Haulover Beach
1965 or 1966 - Blanche Stoeber
1965 or 1966 - Blanche Stoeber
1965 or 1966 - Blanche Stoeber (right) and a friend
1965 or 1966 - Blanche Stoeber (right) and a friend
1966 - Peter Ciolfi
1966 - Peter Ciolfi
1966 - Pete Ciolfi at MDJC
1966 - Pete Ciolfi at MDJC
1966 - Bob Zimmerman and Harry Duncan Wilson horsing around
1966 - Bob Zimmerman and Harry Duncan Wilson horsing around
1966 - Dorothy Walling in her senior class photo for the Hialeah High Class of 1966
1966 - Dorothy Walling in her senior class photo for the Hialeah High Class of 1966
1966 - Janet Andrews Moye and Kenny Moye departing on their honeymoon
1966 - Janet Andrews Moye and Kenny Moye departing on their honeymoon
1966 - Jack Sullivan and Bob Zimmerman in the Smokies in the early morning
1966 - Jack Sullivan and Bob Zimmerman in the Smokies in the early morning
1966 - Bob Zimmerman (middle in blanket)and Jack Sullivan in shorts with sheriff's deputy and rancher and his injured cow
1966 - Bob Zimmerman (middle in blanket)and Jack Sullivan in shorts with sheriff's deputy and rancher and his injured cow
1966 - Bob Zimmerman and Jack Sullivan in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
1966 - Bob Zimmerman and Jack Sullivan in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
1966 - Don, Lanny Paulk and John (last name forgotten), all drunk
1966 - Don, Lanny Paulk and John (last name forgotten), all drunk
1966 - Bob Zimmerman, Lanny Paulk, Richard Sullivan and John (last name forgotten)
1966 - Bob Zimmerman, Lanny Paulk, Richard Sullivan and John (last name forgotten)
1966 - the cars that we used and abused all over South Florida
1966 - the cars that we used and abused all over South Florida
1966 - Terry Bocskey in front, Richard Sullivan, Bob Zimmerman, Jack Sullivan, Jack Terrell, Lanny Paulk at back
1966 - Terry Bocskey in front, Richard Sullivan, Bob Zimmerman, Jack Sullivan, Jack Terrell, Lanny Paulk at back
1966 - Terry Bocskey and his 1966 Ford Fairlane 390-GT
1966 - Terry Bocskey and his 1966 Ford Fairlane 390-GT
1966 - Richard Sullivan, Bob Zimmerman and Harry Duncan Wilson
1966 - Richard Sullivan, Bob Zimmerman and Harry Duncan Wilson
1966 - Richard Rick Sullivan (top right), Harry Duncan Wilson and Bob Zimmerman (bottom)
1966 - Richard "Rick" Sullivan (top right), Harry Duncan Wilson and Bob Zimmerman (bottom)
1966 - Peter M. Cooke, Peggy Symeon and Ron Shimp at Sears Northside
1966 - Peter M. Cooke, Peggy Symeon and Ron Shimp at Sears Northside
1966 - Jacqueline Jackie Zimmerman and her best friend Kandy Ingram
1966 - Jacqueline "Jackie" Zimmerman and her best friend Kandy Ingram
1966 - Cathy Greenwell, Terry Bocskey, Michelle Dorian, Lawry Bocskey and Barry Erdvig at Terry's 18th birthday party
1966 - Cathy Greenwell, Terry Bocskey, Michelle Dorian, Lawry Bocskey and Barry Erdvig at Terry's 18th birthday party
1966 - Cathy Greenwell, Terry Bocskey, Michelle Dorian, Barry Erdvig, unknown and Mike Gentry at Terry's 18th birthday party
1966 - Cathy Greenwell, Terry Bocskey, Michelle Dorian, Barry Erdvig, unknown and Mike Gentry at Terry's 18th birthday party
Mid 1960's - Jacqueline Jackie Zimmerman in her family's backyard next to the pool
Mid 1960's - Jacqueline "Jackie" Zimmerman in her family's backyard next to the pool
1967 - Cathy Greenwell of Hialeah
1967 - Cathy Greenwell of Hialeah
1967 - Ernie Filippini (front guidon holding his company's flag) and his Air Force basic training squadron
1967 - Ernie Filippini (front guidon holding his company's flag) and his Air Force basic training squadron
1967 - Anita Petrogallo and Janet Province with CG-44371 Motor Life Boat
1967 - Anita Petrogallo and Janet Province with CG-44371 Motor Life Boat
1967 - Janet Province and Anita Petrogallo on Coast Guard Motor Life Boat CG-44371
1967 - Janet Province and Anita Petrogallo on Coast Guard Motor Life Boat CG-44371
1967 - Janet Province and Anita Petrogallo at Vizcaya
1967 - Janet Province and Anita Petrogallo at Vizcaya
1967 - Janet Province and Anita Petrogallo on the South Beach Fishing Pier with South Beach in the background
1967 - Janet Province and Anita Petrogallo on the South Beach Fishing Pier with South Beach in the background
1967 - Anita Petrogallo and Janet Province at Hialeah Park
1967 - Anita Petrogallo and Janet Province at Hialeah Park
1967 - Jacqueline Jackie Zimmerman and my Volvo 444
1967 - Jacqueline "Jackie" Zimmerman and my Volvo 444
1967 - Jacqueline Jackie Zimmerman and my Volvo 444
1967 - Jacqueline "Jackie" Zimmerman and my Volvo 444
October 1967 - Ernie Filippini in the intake of an Air Force F-100 Super Sabre
October 1967 - Ernie Filippini in the intake of an Air Force F-100 Super Sabre
1967 - Ernie Filippini (bottom left side) and his Air Force tech school class graduation photo
1967 - Ernie Filippini (bottom left side) and his Air Force tech school class graduation photo
October 1967 - Lynda Atkins and Ray Kyse at the Mai Kai Restaurant before he deployed to Vietnam as a Navy Corpsman
October 1967 - Lynda Atkins and Ray Kyse at the Mai Kai Restaurant before he deployed to Vietnam as a Navy Corpsman
1968 - Linda Russell and Jack Sullivan
1968 - Linda Russell and Jack Sullivan
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin with my 1968 VW Beetle
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin with my 1968 VW Beetle
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Cindy from Ruskin
1968 - Ernie Filippini with his Austin Healey 3000 while he was in the Air Force at Tyndall AFB
1968 - Ernie Filippini with his Austin Healey 3000 while he was in the Air Force at Tyndall AFB
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
Late 1960's - (L-R) Jim Galchick, Albert ChipAlbertelly and George Phander with A-4 Skyhawk of VMA-311 in Vietnam
Late 1960's - (L-R) Jim Galchick, Albert "Chip"Albertelly and George Phander with A-4 Skyhawk of VMA-311 in Vietnam
1969 - Terry Bocskey and Jim Hunt (Hialeah's Hogan's Heroes) in U. S. Army basic training at Ft. Gordon, Georgia
1969 - Terry Bocskey and Jim Hunt (Hialeah's Hogan's Heroes) in U. S. Army basic training at Ft. Gordon, Georgia
1969 - unknown, Jim Hunt and Terry Bocskey (Hialeah's Hogan's Heroes) showing off their great Army hairstyles at a bar in SC
1969 - unknown, Jim Hunt and Terry Bocskey (Hialeah's Hogan's Heroes) showing off their great Army hairstyles at a bar in SC
1969 - Gina from Tampa
1969 - Gina from Tampa
1970 - Dotti Louden at age 19
1970 - Dotti Louden at age 19
1970 - Janice Wilgus Murray
1970 - Janice Wilgus Murray
1970 - Janice Wilgus Murray
1970 - Janice Wilgus Murray
1970 - Pat and Jack Sullivan
1970 - Pat and Jack Sullivan
1970 - Bob Zimmerman, summer youth counselor near Brevard, NC
1970 - Bob Zimmerman, summer youth counselor near Brevard, NC
1970 - Johnny and LuAnn Cheleotis in Lima, Ohio and former neighbors from Hialeah
1970 - Johnny and LuAnn Cheleotis in Lima, Ohio and former neighbors from Hialeah
1970 - Theresa Kayal, J. Boyd, Gene Little Gene Kayal and his cousin Toni
1970 - Theresa Kayal, J. Boyd, Gene "Little Gene" Kayal and his cousin Toni
1970 - Theresa Kayal, J. Boyd, Gene Little Gene Kayal and his cousin Toni
1970 - Theresa Kayal, J. Boyd, Gene "Little Gene" Kayal and his cousin Toni
1970 - Brenda Reiter at Essex Community College
1970 - Brenda Reiter at Essex Community College
1970/1971 - Mr. Zimmerman (Bob) with his 6th grade students Rod Cox, Danny Todd and Mike Coleman at Palm Springs Elementary
1970/1971 - Mr. Zimmerman (Bob) with his 6th grade students Rod Cox, Danny Todd and Mike Coleman at Palm Springs Elementary
1971 - Katharine Buehman, Davis Island, Tampa
1971 - Katharine Buehman, Davis Island, Tampa
Early 70's - unk, Rick Sullivan, unk, Harry Duncan Wilson Jr., Bob Zimmerman, Ray Kyse, J. Boyd, and Lynda Kyse on Virginia Key
Early 70's - unk, Rick Sullivan, unk, Harry Duncan Wilson Jr., Bob Zimmerman, Ray Kyse, J. Boyd, and Lynda Kyse on Virginia Key
Early 70's - beach party on Virginia Key
Early 70's - beach party on Virginia Key
Early 70's - Lisa Schurr from Conklin, NY
Early 70's - Lisa Schurr from Conklin, NY
Early 70's - Lisa Schurr from Conklin, NY
Early 70's - Lisa Schurr from Conklin, NY
Early 1970's - Dan and Denise Griffis
Early 1970's - Dan and Denise Griffis
1972 - Brenda Reiter with Bunny Sammy (left) and 101-year old honorary member celebrating his birthday
1972 - Brenda Reiter with Bunny Sammy (left) and 101-year old honorary member celebrating his birthday
1972 - Brenda Reiter with her mom Dorothy (left) and a neighbor in the background
1972 - Brenda Reiter with her mom Dorothy (left) and a neighbor in the background
1972 - Brenda Reiter and my Super Beetle in front of her home
1972 - Brenda Reiter and my Super Beetle in front of her home
1972 - Brenda Reiter and my Super Beetle
1972 - Brenda Reiter and my Super Beetle
1972 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1972 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1972 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1972 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1972 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1972 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1972 - Susan Lowden (now Jacobs) in her Delta Air Lines stewardess uniform
1972 - Susan Lowden (now Jacobs) in her Delta Air Lines stewardess uniform
1973 - Bob Paget and Pam Dorion
1973 - Bob Paget and Pam Dorion
1973 - Joe Mullery Jr., J. Boyd, Bob Paget, Rob Greene and Pam Dorion
1973 - Joe Mullery Jr., J. Boyd, Bob Paget, Rob Greene and Pam Dorion
1973 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1973 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1973 - Buzz Corley, his dad and his airboat
1973 - Buzz Corley, his dad and his airboat
1973 - Buzz Corley's dad and his airboat
1973 - Buzz Corley's dad and his airboat
1973 - Buzz Corley and his dad in the Loxahatchee Conservation Area
1973 - Buzz Corley and his dad in the Loxahatchee Conservation Area
1973 - Jill Henderson Griffis, Denise, Jeremy, unknown, J. Boyd, Danny and Tom Henderson
1973 - Jill Henderson Griffis, Denise, Jeremy, unknown, J. Boyd, Danny and Tom Henderson
1973 - Denise, Jerry, and Dan Griffis, Tom and Louise Henderson, Jill Griffis and J. Boyd
1973 - Denise, Jerry, and Dan Griffis, Tom and Louise Henderson, Jill Griffis and J. Boyd
1973 - Bob Zimmerman with my first wife Judy at a National Airlines Open House for employees
1973 - Bob Zimmerman with my first wife Judy at a National Airlines Open House for employees
1973 - Bob Zimmerman with my first wife Judy at a National Airlines Open House for employees
1973 - Bob Zimmerman with my first wife Judy at a National Airlines Open House for employees
1974 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1974 - Connie Rocha Gillis
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Charlotte Hedgepeth
1974 - Debbie Cicirelli (now Burak) (left) with her friend Barb Gilot (right), then National Airlines flight attendants
1974 - Debbie Cicirelli (now Burak) (left) with her friend Barb Gilot (right), then National Airlines flight attendants
1974 - Debbie Cicirelli, National Airlines Flight Attendant, in the captain's seat of a National B727
1974 - Debbie Cicirelli, National Airlines Flight Attendant, in the captain's seat of a National B727
1974 - Denise Griffis
1974 - Denise Griffis
1974-75 - Janice Wilgus Murray
1974-75 - Janice Wilgus Murray
1975 - Brenda Reiter in her Dittos jeans
1975 - Brenda Reiter in her Dittos jeans
1975 - Brenda modeling Dittos jeans
1975 - Brenda modeling Dittos jeans
1975 - Brenda in her Dittos jeans
1975 - Brenda in her Dittos jeans
1975 - Brenda hamming it up with the trooper - she still got the speeding ticket
1975 - Brenda hamming it up with the trooper - she still got the speeding ticket
1975 - Brenda at Arapaho Basin
1975 - Brenda at Arapaho Basin
1975 - Brenda at Arapaho Basin ready to teach me how to ski
1975 - Brenda at Arapaho Basin ready to teach me how to ski
1975 - Brenda on the ski lift at Arapahoe Basin, Colorado
1975 - Brenda on the ski lift at Arapahoe Basin, Colorado
1975 - Brenda seeing us off at Stapleton International Airport, Denver
1975 - Brenda seeing us off at Stapleton International Airport, Denver
1975 - Brenda at the gate seeing us off
1975 - Brenda at the gate seeing us off
1975 - Brenda at the gate seeing us off
1975 - Brenda at the gate seeing us off
1975 - Dorothy Walling and Pepe in Hollywood
1975 - Dorothy Walling and Pepe in Hollywood
1975 - Artie Borreca at the 10-year Hialeah High reunion for the class of 1965
1975 - Artie Borreca at the 10-year Hialeah High reunion for the class of 1965
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis in sightseeing helicopter over Miami
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis in sightseeing helicopter over Miami
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis on Watson Island
1975 - Jill Henderson Griffis on Watson Island
1975-76 Louise Jefferson
1975-76 Louise Jefferson
Mid 1970s - EN1 & Mrs Donald D. Tucker, USCG Retired and their daughter Karla
Mid 1970s - EN1 & Mrs Donald D. Tucker, USCG Retired and their daughter Karla
Mid-70's - Ernie Filippini, pilot at Chalk's International Airlines, and a Grumman Mallard at Watson Island
Mid-70's - Ernie Filippini, pilot at Chalk's International Airlines, and a Grumman Mallard at Watson Island
1976 - Jill Henderson Griffis in back of inflight chartered Aero Commander in 1976
1976 - Jill Henderson Griffis in back of inflight chartered Aero Commander in 1976
1976 - Dan and Denise Griffis in front of Steve Lapointe's Aero Commander after sightseeing flight
1976 - Dan and Denise Griffis in front of Steve Lapointe's Aero Commander after sightseeing flight
1976 - Dan and Denise Griffis in front of Steve Lapointe's Aero Commander after sightseeing flight
1976 - Dan and Denise Griffis in front of Steve Lapointe's Aero Commander after sightseeing flight
1976 - Dan Griffis and Denise Griffis on the National Airlines Maintenance Base at Miami International Airport
1976 - Dan Griffis and Denise Griffis on the National Airlines Maintenance Base at Miami International Airport
1976 - Dan and Denise Griffis at Miami International Airport with the National Airlines Maintenance Base in the background
1976 - Dan and Denise Griffis at Miami International Airport with the National Airlines Maintenance Base in the background
1976 - Dan Griffis, J. Boyd, Denise Griffis, Jill Henderson Griffis, Jerry Griffis before a great flight on Goodyear Blimp N1A
1976 - Dan Griffis, J. Boyd, Denise Griffis, Jill Henderson Griffis, Jerry Griffis before a great flight on Goodyear Blimp N1A
1976 - Dan Griffis and Denise Griffis onboard Goodyear Blimp Mayflower N1A before takeoff in 1976
1976 - Dan Griffis and Denise Griffis onboard Goodyear Blimp Mayflower N1A before takeoff in 1976
1976 - Jill Henderson Griffis onboard the Goodyear GZ-19 Blimp Mayflower VII N1A taking off from Watson Island
1976 - Jill Henderson Griffis onboard the Goodyear GZ-19 Blimp Mayflower VII N1A taking off from Watson Island
1976 - Danny, Jerry, Denise and Jill Griffis with J. Boyd at Cape Florida State Park
1976 - Danny, Jerry, Denise and Jill Griffis with J. Boyd at Cape Florida State Park
1976 - Jerry Griffis (former brother-in-law) golfing at Doral Country Club
1976 - Jerry Griffis (former brother-in-law) golfing at Doral Country Club
1976 - Jerry Griffis (former brother-in-law) at Doral Country Club
1976 - Jerry Griffis (former brother-in-law) at Doral Country Club
1976 - Brenda Reiter and my Corvette at Miami International Airport
1976 - Brenda Reiter and my Corvette at Miami International Airport
1976 - Artie Borreca, Hialeah Fire Department and HHS class of 1965
1976 - Artie Borreca, Hialeah Fire Department and HHS class of 1965
1976 - Jerry Griffis (former brother-in-law) golfing at Miami Lakes Country Club
1976 - Jerry Griffis (former brother-in-law) golfing at Miami Lakes Country Club
1976 - Kathey Z.
1976 - Kathey Z.
1976 - Kathey Z.
1976 - Kathey Z.
1976 - Kathey Z.
1976 - Kathey Z.
1976 - Karen Sherfick
1976 - Karen Sherfick
1976 - Karen Sherfick and National Airlines DC10-10 N69NA
1976 - Karen Sherfick and National Airlines DC10-10 N69NA
1976 - Karen Sherfick and the #3 engine on National Airlines DC-10
1976 - Karen Sherfick and the #3 engine on National Airlines DC-10
1976 - Karen Sherfick and her doggie
1976 - Karen Sherfick and her doggie
1976 - Sgt. Harry Duncan Wilson, USMC, Eddie Sullivan, Bob Zimmerman and Ray Kyse at poker game
1976 - Sgt. Harry Duncan Wilson, USMC, Eddie Sullivan, Bob Zimmerman and Ray Kyse at poker game
1976 - Kathey Z. with my Corvette
1976 - Kathey Z. with my Corvette
1977 - Kathey Z.
1977 - Kathey Z.
Mid to late 1970's - Kathey Z. at Hollywood Beach
Mid to late 1970's - Kathey Z. at Hollywood Beach
Mid-Late 70s - Janice Wilgus Murray
Mid-Late 70s - Janice Wilgus Murray
1978 - Ann Marie Giattino and Sitka, our Siberian
1978 - Ann Marie Giattino and Sitka, our Siberian
1978 - Kim McNatt and Ann Marie Giattino
1978 - Kim McNatt and Ann Marie Giattino
Doug Margo, J. Boyd and Jean Margo
Doug Margo, J. Boyd and Jean Margo
Late 1970's - my buddy Bob's father Fred Zimmerman and his bride at his wedding in Hialeah
Late 1970's - my buddy Bob's father Fred Zimmerman and his bride at his wedding in Hialeah
1979 - the Terry and Susan Bocskey Wedding - click on the image to enter gallery
1979 - the Terry and Susan Bocskey Wedding - click on the image to enter gallery
1979 - Rick and Linda Sullivan at Terry and Susan Bocskey's wedding
1979 - Rick and Linda Sullivan at Terry and Susan Bocskey's wedding
1979 - Linda Sullivan, Bob and Kathey Zimmerman, J. Boyd, Rick Sullivan and Ray Kyse
1979 - Linda Sullivan, Bob and Kathey Zimmerman, J. Boyd, Rick Sullivan and Ray Kyse
1979 - Ray Kyse, J. Boyd, Kathey and Bob Zimmerman
1979 - Ray Kyse, J. Boyd, Kathey and Bob Zimmerman
1979 - Butch and Sleet Eisenmenger at Lake Tahoe
1979 - Butch and Sleet Eisenmenger at Lake Tahoe
1979 - Bob Zimmerman admiring parked Corvette
1979 - Bob Zimmerman admiring parked Corvette
1979 - Ann Marie Giattino
1979 - Ann Marie Giattino
1979 - Ann Marie Giattino
1979 - Ann Marie Giattino
1979 - Bill Potter sailing on Lake Suzie behind our homes
1979 - Bill Potter sailing on Lake Suzie behind our homes
1979 - Bill Riggs sailing on Lake Suzie behind our homes
1979 - Bill Riggs sailing on Lake Suzie behind our homes
1979 - Dana Cook and Kim McNatt sailing on Lake Suzie
1979 - Dana Cook and Kim McNatt sailing on Lake Suzie
1979 - Kim McNatt in her Halloween costume
1979 - Kim McNatt in her Halloween costume
1979 - Kim McNatt in her Halloween outfit
1979 - Kim McNatt in her Halloween outfit
1979 - Dana Cook in her Halloween costume at a party
1979 - Dana Cook in her Halloween costume at a party
1980 - Kathey Z. at Blowing Rocks on Jupiter Island
1980 - Kathey Z. at Blowing Rocks on Jupiter Island
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer catching some rays out back
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer catching some rays out back
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer
1981 - Marypat Spannbauer
1981 - Dana Cook from Miami Lakes
1981 - Dana Cook from Miami Lakes
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook from Miami Lakes
1981 - Dana Cook from Miami Lakes
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Dana Cook
1981 - Kim McNatt
1981 - Kim McNatt
1981 - Bob Zimmerman and a couple of ladies attending the Stones concert in Orlando
1981 - Bob Zimmerman and a couple of ladies attending the Stones concert in Orlando
1984 - future Coastie Chet Gay serving as an Air Force F-4E Phantom crew chief in the 69th Tactical Fighter Squadron Dragons
1984 - future Coastie Chet Gay serving as an Air Force F-4E Phantom crew chief in the 69th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Dragons"
1985 - Terry Bocskey surfing at Dania Beach
1985 - Terry Bocskey surfing at Dania Beach
1985 - Art McNatt, Metro-Dade Reserve Deputy and National/Pan Am/Delta captain
1985 - Art McNatt, Metro-Dade Reserve Deputy and National/Pan Am/Delta captain
1987 - Christy Cricket Sullivan photographing the British Airways Concorde taking off at Miami International Airport
1987 - Christy "Cricket" Sullivan photographing the British Airways Concorde taking off at Miami International Airport
1988 - Joanne Sabatino
1988 - Joanne Sabatino
1991 or 1992 - Liz Jones Kettleman and Valerie Ciaccio Verno
1991 or 1992 - Liz Jones Kettleman and Valerie Ciaccio Verno
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto in the E-Tower (former FAA Tower) at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto in the E-Tower (former FAA Tower) at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Iberia DC-10 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Iberia DC-10 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Virgin Atlantic B747-200 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Virgin Atlantic B747-200 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Alitalia B747-200 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Alitalia B747-200 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and taxiing Alitalia B747-200 at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and taxiing Alitalia B747-200 at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and taxiing Alitalia B747-200 at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and taxiing Alitalia B747-200 at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Continental B737 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Continental B737 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and cargo DC-6 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and cargo DC-6 landing at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto and Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto sitting under the nose of Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto sitting under the nose of Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto sitting under the nose of Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto sitting under the nose of Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto standing by the #1 engine of Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto standing by the #1 engine of Varig Airlines DC10-30 PP-VMW at Miami International Airport
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto at the Pan Am maintenance base at Miami International Airport 3 months after they died
March 1992 - Brenda Reiter Goto at the Pan Am maintenance base at Miami International Airport 3 months after they died
1992 - Diane Dean and Annette Fox with USAF F-16 diversion to MIA
1992 - Diane Dean and Annette Fox with USAF F-16 diversion to MIA
1992 - Diane Dean and Annette Fox with F-16 diversion to Miami International Airport
1992 - Diane Dean and Annette Fox with F-16 diversion to Miami International Airport
1992 - Alexander Al Alex Pro and his wife Frankie Gosnell Pro
1992 - Alexander "Al" "Alex" Pro and his wife Frankie Gosnell Pro
1993 - Officer Al Papa, MDPD
1993 - Officer Al Papa, MDPD
1994 - 7 year old Jelani Murray, son of Cynthia Murray
1994 - 7 year old Jelani Murray, son of Cynthia Murray
1995 - Jerry Kettleman and Mike Sweeney at the Hialeah High School Class of 1965's 30th Reunion
1995 - Jerry Kettleman and Mike Sweeney at the Hialeah High School Class of 1965's 30th Reunion
1996 - Diane Dean Cox and Cornelius Cox
1996 - Diane Dean Cox and Cornelius Cox
1996 - Pege Burke Darnell
1996 - Pege Burke Darnell
1998 - YN1 Christine Minor, USCG
1998 - YN1 Christine Minor, USCG
1998 - YN1 Christine Minor, USCG
1998 - YN1 Christine Minor, USCG
1998 - YN1 Christine Minor, USCG
1998 - YN1 Christine Minor, USCG
1999 - my good buddies Mark Fidler and Eric Olson
1999 - my good buddies Mark Fidler and Eric Olson