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Dominic Cantin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Harfang des Neiges / Snowy Owl >
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11-MAR-2008 © Dominic Cantin

Pentax *ist DS
1/1600s f/11.0 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 14-Sep-2010 03:59
Dave Hawkins12-Feb-2009 23:53
We actually have one of these in Nashville, TN right now!! A definite rarity for this part of the country.
Beautiful shot! V
Laurie Hawkins
Ted Busby24-Dec-2008 21:04
Great timing; excellent image. -Voted-
urs26-Nov-2008 19:41
Hillarious and stunning picture you captured of this owl. You captured a very rare moment. It's a one in a million shot. Excellent V
Tom Munson13-Oct-2008 15:13
Absolutely outstanding, Dom. Great shot. v
Michel Bordeleau28-May-2008 02:03
Pose intéressante et originale.
Guest 24-Apr-2008 13:44
absolutely fantastic shot! where did you capture this?
Guest 01-Apr-2008 15:09
Ha! Is this own ... yawning?! Great capture!
Carole Stevens14-Mar-2008 19:35
Just gorgeous, amazing timing!
Mike Reshitnyk14-Mar-2008 15:25
Elle est bonne Dom – quelle journée magnifique.

Robert Houde14-Mar-2008 03:18
En principe, il pourrait t'avaller Dominic, tu as de dangeureuses fréquentations !
Tràs belle photo (et pas en principe) pour de vrai.
jychamberland13-Mar-2008 19:35
tres belle image dominic. V.