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Dominic Cantin | all galleries >> Les Oiseaux du Québec / Birds of Quebec >> Chouette Lapone / Great Gray Owl >
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24-FEB-2006 © Dominic Cantin

Pentax *ist DS
1/250s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tom Munson08-Apr-2011 16:46
Love that tilt of the head look. Great work, Dom!
Michal Leszczynski13-Dec-2010 10:02
Superbe. V.
Gilles Garon21-Nov-2010 10:34
wow! C`est tout un portrait, ca! Il est magnifique cette oiseau et bien capté sur cette magnifique prise. Bravo Dom!
Gilles Garon21-Nov-2010 10:34
wow! C`est tout un portrait, ca! Il est magnifique cette oiseau et bien capté sur cette magnifique prise. Bravo Dom!
Guest 14-Nov-2010 12:41
Amazing portrait! Top Notch, my V.
Mary Bowles06-Nov-2010 06:54
An astounding portrait.
I find the eyes and the surrounding concentric circles of the face feathers really mesmeric.
(Am I being hypnotised?)
January Grey14-Jul-2010 05:42
Excellent work! Love the tilt of its head! Nice detail, color & light!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)30-May-2010 18:10
Nice capture! V
Will James Sooter08-Apr-2009 17:02
Hi Dom, this image is excellent. Your subject is looking right at you and you captured the moment with expertise. Cheers, Will
Julie Tremblay18-Mar-2009 09:59
Quel regard! Vraiment magnifique.
Ted Busby07-Feb-2009 00:24
Love those eyes...
Jean-Christophe Meyer11-Oct-2008 05:37
Quel regard incroyable, superbe portrait et félicitations au modèle (rires) ...
Ron Wright24-May-2008 23:38
Nice close-up with good detail. And I really like those yellow eyes!
lebororo26-Feb-2006 12:09
joli portrait, bravo