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These photographs span a period of more than 60 years. They include scanned-in digitals of analog prints and slides, as well as recent digitals. The analog photos were seriously degraded with fading and mold, but I think you will still find them of interest. Cameras included old Kodak boxes, Yashika, Minolta, Nikon, Pentax, and Canon. I'm obviously not a professional photographer...just a guy who loves imaging. Hope you enjoy them.

Note: Most of the photos are best appreciated by clicking the "original" formatting option.

More information about Don and his books of fiction, “The Lansing Effect” and "The Black Devil of Damavand", can be found at These are exciting techno-thrillers that are very relevant to what is currently happening in our country and the rest of the world.

If you enjoy these photos, I'm setting up an additional website for some of my photos, at

 In Box
::  In Box ::
Visiting Birds
:: Visiting Birds ::
Meadowlark in the Fall
:: Meadowlark in the Fall ::
Most Recent Photos
:: Most Recent Photos ::
:: People ::
Spring comes to Meadowlark
:: Spring comes to Meadowlark ::
Erin and James
:: Erin and James ::
Gus, the Killer Cat
:: Gus, the Killer Cat ::
:: Moose ::
Final Journey of Discovery
:: Final Journey of Discovery ::
:: Miscellaneous ::
Old Family Photos
:: Old Family Photos ::
Oatlands Plantation, Virginia
:: Oatlands Plantation, Virginia ::
Animal Friends
:: Animal Friends ::
Our Flowers
:: Our Flowers ::
:: Blacksburg ::
:: Places ::
:: Hercules ::
Meadowlark 2014
:: Meadowlark 2014 ::
Meadowlark Botanical Gardens
:: Meadowlark Botanical Gardens ::
:: poinsettias ::
:: the_moon ::
Sweet 16 Party (2009)
:: Sweet 16 Party (2009) ::
The Wedding
:: The Wedding ::