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Don Mottershead | profile | all galleries >> On Location >> Rural Alberta tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rural Alberta

Church in Beaumont Near Smoky Lake g6/12/729212/3/71088085.H79LDLk5.jpg g6/12/729212/3/78953725.J6kVW08E.jpg
Blossom Near Red Deer Near Red Deer How about another handful of grass?
Staircase in Banff Cemetary at Beaumont Fence at sunrise Elk Island National Park
Obed Summit near Hinton Moose Lake Johnny's Lake A few kilometers south of Edmonton
Powerplant and Straw Bales Near Red Deer Elk Island National Park Near Thorsby
Elk Island National Park Pigeon Lake South Edmonton South Edmonton
October sunrise October sunrise Attack heifer She tried to eat my camera bag
Chev Ford GMC Reo
Church at Ukrainian Village Church at Ukrainian Village Church at Ukrainian Village Ukrainian Village
Ukrainian Village Ukrainian Village Ukrainian Village Ukrainian Village