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diyfresnelviewfinder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> DIY great 3x zoom Canon 5D, 7D, 50D, xD or Nikon D90, D3, D300, D5000 live Fresnel Optical Viewfinder under 30$ tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

DIY great 3x zoom Canon 5D, 7D, 50D, xD or Nikon D90, D3, D300, D5000 live Fresnel Optical Viewfinder under 30$

DIY great 3x zoom Canon 5D, 7D, 50D, xD or Nikon D90, D3, D300, D5000 live Fresnel Optical Viewfinder under 30$

1. get proper small plastic container from local DOLLAR store $0.25 take your camera and find what fits better. It should be square and 1 1/2 to 2" deep.
also get there mid size binding clips $1
2. order ONE Fresnel lens from
I've used #4 $20 I think #7 will be even better!
my #4 is giving too much zoom about 4x so if you close to camera you can see individual pixels of screen.
3. in local pharmacy get 3M or any medical duck tape $1-$2
4. experimenting in live View mode find best distance from the display for your Fresnel lens (sweet spot)
for #4 it is 1 1/4" (3cm), for #7 may be a bit less
5. with sharp knife or razor cutter cut bottom of your container at a distance determined previously.
Be careful with your fingers and don't let plastic crack.
6. using duck tape fit lens to container firmly
7. remove one bracket from binding clip
8. fit left bracket to camera locker or with proper bolt directly to your camera
9. fit another side of bracket to container
10. using soldering iron or any hot tool, cut upper wall of container to fit to your view finder so it fits but not loose.
Enjoy 3x zoom live viewfinder that is great for video shooting!
You will see all edges of frame (screen) so don't worry.

It is really great for manual focusing etc !
You can even go feather to do more nice looking, firm and easy to use Viewfinder using the same idea and only one not expensive Fresnel Lens .
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