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Digital Nuts | all galleries >> Digital Nut Profiles >> Memorial to Anita Stanhope (1950-2009) > edit image
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Anita Stanhope

Water Color

Based on a photo by Richard Sweet

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Jaime Serrano27-Aug-2019 15:48
Great!, thanks for share. VVV.
Milan Vogrin24-Dec-2009 16:17
Well done.
Digital Nuts03-May-2009 03:56
Gorgeous ! ~ Fay
Digital Nuts29-Sep-2007 03:23
The color tones and palette are amazing. Her eyes are mesmerizing, almost bewitching. Very nice!
Digital Nuts24-Sep-2007 12:49
WOW 2, YOu nailed this one but good, jackc
Digital Nuts23-Sep-2007 23:20
Wow, Anita, this is just gorgeous! Love the play of shadow, and light. Her
eyes are beautiful! - Karen G.
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