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Gulfport Day 6 - Thursday

First, my apologies to the team for abandoning you today. It was just too sunny and too warm not to spend the day on my bike. We met up at brekfast, the pictures of the team here were taken after breakfast and before devotions. After devotions I released my motorized wheels to Mark and Linda who motored up to Biloxi to paint a house there.

I jumped on my bike and road around town and out to Pass Christian and back. The beautiful oaks, white sand beaches and bright blue skies all contrasted against the devastation of Katrina.
Abby Frieder and Ben
Abby Frieder and Ben
Joel and Greg
Joel and Greg
Kyle Talking to the Fern
Kyle Talking to the Fern
Live Oak
Live Oak
Gulfport South Side of the Tracks
Gulfport South Side of the Tracks
Empty Slab
Empty Slab
Marble Floors
Marble Floors
Wood Floors
Wood Floors
Off the Foundation
Off the Foundation
Beach at Pass Christian
Beach at Pass Christian
Scenic Drive Pass Christian
Scenic Drive Pass Christian