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Dan Hillsman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> North American Birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

North American Birds

Birds in this gallery are wild North American birds with some birds photograped feeders.
No captive or zoo birds are in this collection.
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Adult Red Shouldered Hawk
Adult Red Shouldered Hawk
200701_D200 043sc.jpg
200701_D200 043sc.jpg
Adult Red Shouldered Hawk
Adult Red Shouldered Hawk
Portrait of an Adult Red Shouldered Hawk
Portrait of an Adult Red Shouldered Hawk
Adult female Red-tailed hawk preening
Adult female Red-tailed hawk preening
Adult female Red-tailed hawk
Adult female Red-tailed hawk
Adult female Red-tailed hawk scratching
Adult female Red-tailed hawk scratching
200701_D200 019sc.jpg
200701_D200 019sc.jpg
Adult female Red-tailed hawk
Adult female Red-tailed hawk
Adult female Red-tailed hawk takes wing
Adult female Red-tailed hawk takes wing
Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)
Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)
Harris' Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) adult female
Harris' Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) adult female
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