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David Hussey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cocoa Beach Prototype Rails 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cocoa Beach Prototype Rails 2011

With the normal attraction of warmer weather, each January, Mike Brock, (owner of the Steam Freight Cars Yahoo Group list) puts together this fine meet in sunny Cocoa Beach, FL. This year temperatures returned to normal. Prototype Rails is a well attended and well run two day meet with numerous clinics, vendors, model displays and a pair of modular layouts. Mike reported attendance at 251 this year. Everyone there had the usual good time. One of the features of Prototype Rails is the Shake-N-Take modeling clinic, where a kit and kitbashing instructions are provided. This year many of the previous models were on display.

Here are photos of some of the fine modling on display, as you can tell it is not limited to the Steam era only. For more info on the Steam list:

Dave Hussey
All photos are Copyright by David Hussey and may not be reused without permission, hovever linking to this site is acceptable. Spelling corrections welcome.

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