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The South End

The South End is composed mostly of mid-nineteenth century bowfronts -- aesthetically uniform rows of five-story, predominantly red-brick structures, of mixed residential and commercial uses. The neighborhood was constructed atop landfill, reclaimed during the filling of Boston's marshy Back Bay (north and west of Washington Street) and South Bay (south and east of Washington Street), from the 1830s to the 1870s. Today, the South End is listed on the United States' National Registry of Historic Places. It is the nation's largest Victorian architectural district. The South End is noted for its extensive collection of restaurants; Tremont Street is often called "Restaurant Row."
Spring in the South End - Vertical
Spring in the South End - Vertical
Spring in the South End - Horizontal
Spring in the South End - Horizontal
Late Summery Light on South End Brownstones
Late Summery Light on South End Brownstones
South End Brownstones
South End Brownstones
Bowfront Victorians
Bowfront Victorians
Traditional Bowfront Street
Traditional Bowfront Street
Late Afternoon Light on South End Bowfronts
Late Afternoon Light on South End Bowfronts
Evening Light on South End Bowfronts
Evening Light on South End Bowfronts
Distinctive South End Ironwork
Distinctive South End Ironwork
Brownstones with Prudential
Brownstones with Prudential
Columbus Street
Columbus Street
Evening in the South End
Evening in the South End
The Butcher Shop, Tremont Street
The Butcher Shop, Tremont Street
B&G Oysters, Tremont Street
B&G Oysters, Tremont Street
From the Claremont Cafe
From the Claremont Cafe
Outdoor Seating on Columbus Avenue
Outdoor Seating on Columbus Avenue
Union Park rivals Louisburg Square
Union Park rivals Louisburg Square
Union Park
Union Park
Union Park Fountain
Union Park Fountain
Union Park Fountains
Union Park Fountains
Sunday Brunch at the Claremont Cafe
Sunday Brunch at the Claremont Cafe
Front Yard
Front Yard
Opulent Doorway
Opulent Doorway
South End Doorway
South End Doorway
South End Juxtaposition
South End Juxtaposition
Harriet Tubman Statue, Columbus Street, & Hancock
Harriet Tubman Statue, Columbus Street, & Hancock
Old-Fashioned Coca-Cola Sign
Old-Fashioned Coca-Cola Sign
South End House
South End House
South End Brownstones
South End Brownstones
Autumn in the South End
Autumn in the South End
Autumn in the South End II
Autumn in the South End II
Autumn in the South End VI
Autumn in the South End VI
Autumn in the South End VII
Autumn in the South End VII
Autumn in the South End III
Autumn in the South End III
Autumn in the South End IV
Autumn in the South End IV
Autumn in the South End V
Autumn in the South End V
Autumn in the South End VIII
Autumn in the South End VIII
Sad Puppy
Sad Puppy
South End Rowhouses and the Hancock Building
South End Rowhouses and the Hancock Building