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Peter Stahl | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> birds_of_the_world tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Birds,Birds,Birds and more birds.

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites

My favorite Gallery is Owls
:: owls ::
Birds from Kenya Tanzania 2006
:: Birds from Kenya Tanzania 2006 ::
Birds of Thailand 2007
:: Birds of Thailand 2007 ::
Birds from Costa Rica 2008
:: Birds from Costa Rica 2008 ::
Birds of Australia 2009
:: Birds of Australia 2009 ::
Birds of Peru 2010
:: Birds of Peru 2010 ::
Birds of Hawaii
:: Birds of Hawaii ::
:: Raptors ::
Backyard Birds & Wildlife St.Albert, Alberta, Canada
:: Backyard Birds & Wildlife St.Albert, Alberta, Canada ::
Local Birds/Animals
:: Local Birds/Animals ::
:: waterfowl ::
Hummingbirds  from all over the world
:: Hummingbirds from all over the world ::
Sharptail Grouse
:: Sharptail Grouse ::
Birds of Puerto Rico
:: Birds of Puerto Rico ::
Manitoba Canada Birds
:: Manitoba Canada Birds ::
Arizona Birds
:: Arizona Birds ::
Birds of Sweden
:: Birds of Sweden ::
Argentina Birds
:: Argentina Birds ::