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Saturday in Forest Park

The Forest Park Balloon Race is run every September. The Energizer Bunny balloon goes off first, getting a head start, and then the other balloons--most corporately sponsored, some private, up to 70 or so altogether--take off after the Bunny.

The winner is the balloon that lands closest to the Bunny (or maybe to something the Bunny drops, I am a little unclear on the concept). It is not the farthest travelled, or the fasted to any marker--just the most accurate flight.

This year, however, the wind was too light for the giant bunny balloon, and it landed just a few hundred yards away in the park. The other balloons went on to have a nice ride anyway.
The hare takes off
The hare takes off
A pleasant afternoon in the park
A pleasant afternoon in the park
Looking way, way up....
Looking way, way up....
Looking down
Looking down
Just balloons
Just balloons
Busy spider
Busy spider
Living Lava Lamp
Living Lava Lamp
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Caught one!
Caught one!