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Deborah Lewis | all galleries >> Galleries >> scooters_gallery > Stepping Over the Line
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27-SEP-2006 Scooter-bug

Stepping Over the Line

10 Perfect Nails Salon

Grandmama, I'm not going outside!

Casio EX-Z850
1/1000s f/4.0 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
1moremile20-Oct-2006 23:54
Cool shot.
Guy Dube30-Sep-2006 23:22
Nice shot Deborah, to cross the line, you cross the line! Like it a lot. Vote!
Best regards
Dave Wixx30-Sep-2006 02:46
Must remember to get mine done!!!
Sue Robertson29-Sep-2006 05:42
Great work, I like your idea!.
Bill Ewart Jr29-Sep-2006 00:14
You look like you're standing on the edge of a skyscraper here! Great photo!~~
Guest 28-Sep-2006 23:21
Ray :)28-Sep-2006 23:14
Very well done, Scooter!
wernere0128-Sep-2006 23:10
Lovely shot.
Jen Bixler28-Sep-2006 22:41
JD is right! It looks like she is up high and could fall below to the the edge of an airplane! Very very cool SB!

Mommy gives you a big vote.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:06
This image is scarry. As you were ready to jump, and I can't tell if the ground if far or not. Nice composition.
Barbara Heide28-Sep-2006 20:38
cute shot!
royalld28-Sep-2006 19:59
Nice POV.
Zak28-Sep-2006 18:58
nice shot!
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2006 18:16
Like it as well.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 17:13
This is better :-)
John Beck28-Sep-2006 16:35
Best 'line stepper' I've seen.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 16:28
Great toes deb, hope her arm is ok now:-))
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2006 14:56
Out with the green...
...and in with the clean!
Perfect way to step
'over the line!'

Good job Aud!
~ V ~
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