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25-SEP-2006 Deborah Lewis

My Lunch

Mandarin Chicken Salad
Eating again at my desk - at least there is no spinach
in this salad! Thanks Wendy's........

Casio EX-Z850
1/50s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Monte Dodge12-Jun-2007 19:02
The best " Deal " in town for lunch here in Wenatchee..... V
Gary Winters30-Sep-2006 18:29
But where's the fat? Just kidding -- it looks pretty darn delicious!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 05:17
Very healthy!
Meat, I like it grilled :-)
ML27-Sep-2006 22:15
Hehe I thought I was the only one who eats salad with chop sticks! =)
Guest 27-Sep-2006 16:40
Looks good ,I think I'll go to Wendy's!!
Silvia Roitman27-Sep-2006 16:02
buen apetito!!
Monte Dodge27-Sep-2006 15:14
Great shot!!!! ( And I had that for lunch yesterday as well,,, same salid and all....
Guest 27-Sep-2006 05:13
Looks very healthy.
Dan Chusid27-Sep-2006 04:12
I went to my favorite Curry House today and had the Panang Curry
at the number 5 spicy level along with the Naan Bread and iced tea.
In case you want a midnight snack, here's the menu and pics:
Guy Dube27-Sep-2006 02:27
A very nice picture, Deborah. I can smell it here, hummm! ca l'air bon!
Best regards
Guest 27-Sep-2006 01:20
Oh well, I can't even remember last time I had lunch elsewhere than on my desk! Their salads are pretty good indeed.
Jen Bixler27-Sep-2006 00:20
PS- I am guessing lunch at your desk today so you can get out of there early tomorrow to help me! I am so lucky to have you, Mom.
Jen Bixler27-Sep-2006 00:19
Looks tasty! Glad to see your are right, they are beautiful!
The Third Side27-Sep-2006 00:18
Okay, now I'm hungry.
Doug Kessler26-Sep-2006 23:22
Very healthy, Deborah : )
I'm proud!
R. Walls26-Sep-2006 23:17
So, if I eat Sushi with chopsticks, will it taste better? Actually, it's not too bad grilled.
Deborah Lewis26-Sep-2006 22:26
No, but I eat alot of sushi, so I keep a set of chopsticks at work! LOL
royalld26-Sep-2006 22:20
Wendy's has chopsticks? Very nice chopsticks, too.
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