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David Behrens | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sungei Buloh Nature Park, Singapore tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sungei Buloh Nature Park, Singapore

Sungei Buloh Nature Park is a mangroves and wetland wildlife refuge located at the northern end of Singapore. It is a wonderful hideaway considering that Singapore is only a 14 x 25 mile island of 4 million people. This is a collection of photos that typifies what can be seen at Sungei Buloh. One of the highlights of this park is its heronry where Purple and Grey Herons nest. The pictures were taken with a Canon EOS D30 with the longest lens being a 100-400 IS. More info on the park itself can be found at the park’s web page of or there is an outstanding web page on what you can find at Sungei Buloh by Ria Tan at
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Milky Stork_.jpg
Milky Stork_.jpg
Common Redshank 2.jpg
Common Redshank 2.jpg
Grey Heron.jpg
Grey Heron.jpg
Little Egret 2.jpg
Little Egret 2.jpg
Purple Heron.jpg
Purple Heron.jpg
Purple Herons squabble.jpg
Purple Herons squabble.jpg
Raiding-a-Monitor-Lizzards nest
Raiding-a-Monitor-Lizzards nest
monitored lounging.jpg
monitored lounging.jpg
Collard Kingfisher.jpg
Collard Kingfisher.jpg
Changeable Lizard.jpg
Changeable Lizard.jpg
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