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David Decroix | all galleries >> Australia >> Sydney > Sydney by night
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Sydney by night

Pentax K100D
9s f/8.0 at 73.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ken Zaret29-Sep-2023 01:11
Great city shot, conveys the action
Bill Taylor28-Dec-2021 06:25
Beautiful City!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)17-Jul-2021 19:18
Exc capture, brilliant work! Vote
David Decroix01-Oct-2016 04:03
Thanks a lot John! Much appreciated.
John C. de Freitas30-Sep-2016 19:15
This photograph was an Honour Mention in the PBase 414th Show & Tell Competition: "YOUR TOWN/CITY THROUGH A LENS - WINNER".
A feast of colour at night hints at the vibrancy of the city.
Walter Otto Koenig26-Aug-2015 02:07
Spectacular night shot from this well chosen vantage point. Great exposure and lighting. "V"
joseantonio23-Feb-2015 13:15
Amazing night view.V.
René Gysi03-Jun-2013 14:45
Great night picture with wonderful lights. V
woody3410-Feb-2013 07:36
Fantastic shot, Sydney at night is beautiful...the lights and the colours are outstanding...V
raymondg01-Aug-2012 09:45
Wow, Awesome shot! V
Yiannis Pavlis17-May-2012 13:24
Very successful work.I adore this photograph.
Vickie BROWN12-Sep-2011 21:30
Gorgeous! This is really great! voted
shatterbug15-Apr-2010 02:32
Sydney brought to life by this terrific night shot...excellent exposure!
Anthea's Photography09-Jan-2010 02:07
This is beautiful David. I particularly love the reflections on the water. Sydney is such a wonderful City with so many photo opportunities. v
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