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David McDonald | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 100 Birds to See Before You Die tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

100 Birds to See Before You Die

This ultimate 'Wish List' or 'Bucket List' for birders is based on the 2008 book by the same name written by 2 birders from Great Britain, David Chandler and Dominic Couzens. There is a forward by Ken Kaufmann

I have 37

Rev 9/15/23
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#49 Smith's Longspur - male winter_5017.jpg
#49 Smith's Longspur - male winter_5017.jpg
#48 Northern Carmine Bee-eater_8325.jpg
#48 Northern Carmine Bee-eater_8325.jpg
#47 Snowy Owl_4245.jpg
#47 Snowy Owl_4245.jpg
#43 Red-cockaded Woodpecker - male_0947.jpg
#43 Red-cockaded Woodpecker - male_0947.jpg
#41 Cape Sugarbird - male_8785.jpg
#41 Cape Sugarbird - male_8785.jpg
#36 Hoatzin_4996.jpg
#36 Hoatzin_4996.jpg
 #33 Amazonian Umbrellabird_9382.jpg
#33 Amazonian Umbrellabird_9382.jpg
#29 Andean Cock-of-the-Rock - male_7797.jpg
#29 Andean Cock-of-the-Rock - male_7797.jpg
#27 Andean Condor - juvenile male_6914.jpg
#27 Andean Condor - juvenile male_6914.jpg
#23 Shoebill_5232.jpg
#23 Shoebill_5232.jpg
#22 I'iwi - adult_1244.jpg
#22 I'iwi - adult_1244.jpg
#19 Oilbird_4328.jpg
#19 Oilbird_4328.jpg
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