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David Kilpatrick | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sony Alpha 900 > a900-70210beercan-wideopen-iso500.jpg
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This the 70-210mm at 200mm, wide open at f4 on the A900. The left end of the frame was just more water and has been cropped off, it added no information and the composition was better with it removed. At auto ISO 640, 50 luminance and 50 chroma NR has been applied in ACR 4.6 to a cRAW file. Default sharpening has been allowed. I have to say I'm knocked back by the fluid, finely detailed quality given by this 20+ year old well used lens at full bore. Focus is dead on. Even at ISO 500 it has a lovely tonal quality to the detail, and there is no sign of fall off to the lower right corner where the capybara's fur continues to be sharply rendered. I did not do many 'beercan' tests but they all support the possibility that this lens is very good indeed on the A900.

Sony Alpha DSLR A-900 ,70-210mm Minolta AF f/4
1/250s f/4.0 at 200.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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