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Dave Wyman | all galleries >> The Mother Road - The Route 66 Galleries >> One Morning On The Mother - Route 66 - 2004 > Icy Reflection - Route 66
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Icy Reflection - Route 66

The Roadkill Cafe sign was in a muddled reflection in this puddle of ice. We went inside for a cup of coffee, figuring the ice would soon melt in the morning sun.

Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi
1/250s f/9.5 at 42.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tim May05-Dec-2004 18:32
I am drawn to the color here, but that fact that this is a reflection on ice also means that the texture is crucial. I love that the melted section almost allow me to read the sign, but yet still keeps a mystery.
Guest 05-Dec-2004 06:40
Makes for a beautiful abstract :)
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