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Dave Sperling | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dave & Dao's Wedding: 1989 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Dave & Dao's Wedding: 1989

It's my seventeenth wedding anniversary, so I decided to celebrate by sharing some of the photos taken on that hot and humid September afternoon in Ban Dom Kirek, Thailand. I had very little notion on what to expect, so I just nervously drove up to the village, and was promptly "lost in translation" throughout most of the ceremony and its aftermath. Luckily I had some very good expat friends to support me, and Dao's family was gracious to the extreme.

This gallery is made possible by scanning the original film negatives with my newly purchased Nikon Coolscan 5000 film scanner.

Dao in front of the Montri Hotel in Chiangmai

Dao in front of the Montri Hotel in Chiangmai

Dao and I in Chiangmai before the wedding

Dao and I in Chiangmai before the wedding

What am I getting myself into?

What am I getting myself into?

The beginning of the ceremony

The beginning of the ceremony

Dao and I carrying a spectacular Thai flower arrangement

Dao and I carrying a spectacular Thai flower arrangement

Getting ready for the ceremony

Getting ready for the ceremony

Inside Grandmother's house

Inside Grandmother's house

On my knees for the next 3 hours. Ouch!

On my knees for the next 3 hours. Ouch!

Family, friends, and neighbors

Family, friends, and neighbors

Dao's great-uncle, the head of the family

Dao's great-uncle, the head of the family

Lost in translation!

Lost in translation!

Washing our hands with sacred water

Washing our hands with sacred water

Giving Dao a gold necklace

Giving Dao a gold necklace

Watching the ceremony

Watching the ceremony

The kitchen crew!

The kitchen crew!

Enjoying the delicious food!

Enjoying the delicious food!

Food, coca cola, and Thai whiskey

Food, coca cola, and Thai whiskey

It seems as if the entire village showed up!

It seems as if the entire village showed up!

Some of our guests enoying themselves

Some of our guests enoying themselves

Hot, tired, and married!

Hot, tired, and married!

After the ceremony. Note my happy expression!

After the ceremony. Note my happy expression!

Lifting Dao to receive an envelope with Thai money

Lifting Dao to receive an envelope with Thai money

Consulting with my best man, Jim

Consulting with my best man, Jim

Dao and I collecting gifts from our guests

Dao and I collecting gifts from our guests

Posing with friends and family

Posing with friends and family

With two aunts and various cousins

With two aunts and various cousins

Dao with her two aunts and two cousins

Dao with her two aunts and two cousins

My father-in-law, Boon

My father-in-law, Boon

Guest trying to get my mother and father-in-law to pose

Guest trying to get my mother and father-in-law to pose

With my mother-in-law, Kemthong

With my mother-in-law, Kemthong

Posing with neighbors

Posing with neighbors

Dao and her brides maid

Dao and her brides maid

My mother-in-law with her two sisters

My mother-in-law with her two sisters

My sister-in-law Mim. She lives in North Hollywood, California now.

My sister-in-law Mim. She lives in North Hollywood, California now.

Posing with my father-in-law

Posing with my father-in-law

My friend from England, Simon

My friend from England, Simon

My brother-in-law and his daughter, Pui. Pui is now a freshman at Payap University.

My brother-in-law and his daughter, Pui. Pui is now a freshman at Payap University.

Dao and I with my friend's daughter

Dao and I with my friend's daughter

Sunset on the day of our wedding. Romantic, isn't it?

Sunset on the day of our wedding. Romantic, isn't it?

Dao and I are off to Japan for a working honeymoon that lasted over a year

Dao and I are off to Japan for a "working honeymoon" that lasted over a year