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David Boyett | all galleries >> Boyt/Boyte/Boyett/e DNA Surname Project >> Boyte - Boyett DNA Surname Group 1 > DNA S21+ R1b1c9 (R1b1b2g U106+) R1b1b2a1a U106+
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DNA S21+ R1b1c9 (R1b1b2g U106+) R1b1b2a1a U106+

October 2008 - New - Renamed to: Haplogroup R1b1b2a1 U106+
May 2008 - Renamed to Haplogroup R1b1b2g U106+ aka rs16981293+ S21+

14 Aug 2007 (R1b1b9 S21+)
New data have recently been published which outline the distribution of
your S21 Y chromosome type. I thought that you would be interested to
see where in Europe your haplogroup is common and where it is rare –
please see the attached map.

The distribution of S21 is shown in orange, along with the rest of R1b
in pale yellow. S21 is most common in the Germanic areas of the North
European plain and also in England. The frequency drops dramatically
south of the Alps. The much rarer S29 group is shown in brown: confined
almost totally to the Germanic-speaking areas.

With my best wishes,

Dr. James F. Wilson
President and Chief Scientist,

other sizes: small medium original auto
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