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Buenos Aires... August 2011

Art by Stella Sidi
Art by Stella Sidi
 Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily)
Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily)
Las Heras
Las Heras
Recoleta Cemetery
Recoleta Cemetery
King Fahd Islamic & Cultural Centre
King Fahd Islamic & Cultural Centre
Ski Boarding in Recoleta
Ski Boarding in Recoleta
 Feria de Mataderos
Feria de Mataderos
Carlos Gardel
Carlos Gardel
Rufous-Collared Sparrow
Rufous-Collared Sparrow
Aloha Day
Aloha Day
Philly Cheese Steak
Philly Cheese Steak
Buenos Aires Holocaust Museum
Buenos Aires Holocaust Museum
Braised Beef with Pumpkin
Braised Beef with Pumpkin
Palais de Glace
Palais de Glace
Monet en Sta. Ana
Monet en Sta. Ana
“Mi Nagasaki” by Charlie Goz
“Mi Nagasaki” by Charlie Goz
Xul Solar
Xul Solar
Red-Gartered Coot
Red-Gartered Coot
Puerto Madero
Puerto Madero
Victor Alfredo Sepulveda Villar
Victor Alfredo Sepulveda Villar
Band In San Telmo
Band In San Telmo
Martial Arts in Recoleta
Martial Arts in Recoleta
Obelisk of Buenos Aires
Obelisk of Buenos Aires