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Christopher Wheeler | profile | all galleries >> Cartoon(ist) Gallery >> Virgil "VIP" Partch tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Virgil "VIP" Partch


Like Sam Cobean, Sidney Smith, and, more recently, Doug Marlette, Parch died in a car accident. He was fond of drawing people with extra fingers. More than any cartoonist I know of, Partch was liable to include original drawings in his various books.

I had a VERY difficult time locating a photo of the guy. I finally found one in The Cartoonists' Cookbook, of all places. Thank to Ellen Roubos for the image of Ludwig and the photo of Partch that appears in that book.
Virgil Partch
Virgil Partch
Another self-portrait
Another self-portrait
Yet another self-portrait
Yet another self-portrait
one more self-portrait
one more self-portrait
Still another self-portrait
Still another self-portrait
It's Hot in Here (1944)
It's Hot in Here (1944)
Water on Brain (1945)
Water on Brain (1945)
Bottle Fatigue (1950) (inscribed with five full page colored drawings)
:: Bottle Fatigue (1950) (inscribed with five full page colored drawings) ::
Here We Go Again (1951)
Here We Go Again (1951)
R.I.P -- The Travelers Book of Street and Highway Accident Data (1951)
R.I.P -- The Travelers Book of Street and Highway Accident Data (1951)
The Wild, Wild Women (1951) (inscribed with original two-page drawing)
:: The Wild, Wild Women (1951) (inscribed with original two-page drawing) ::
Man the Beast (1953) (inscribed with original drawing)
:: Man the Beast (1953) (inscribed with original drawing) ::
Funny Cartoons (1954)
Funny Cartoons (1954)
The Dead Game Sportsman (1954) (inscribed with drawing)
:: The Dead Game Sportsman (1954) (inscribed with drawing) ::
Hanging Way Over (1955)
Hanging Way Over (1955)
VIP Tosses A Party (1959) (inscribed with drawing)
:: VIP Tosses A Party (1959) (inscribed with drawing) ::
Crazy Cartoons (1959)
Crazy Cartoons (1959)
New Faces on the Barrom Floor (1961)
New Faces on the Barrom Floor (1961)
Here We Go Again and Bottle Fatigue (1963)
Here We Go Again and Bottle Fatigue (1963)
Cartoons Out Of My Own Head (1964)
Cartoons Out Of My Own Head (1964)
Armed Farces (1969)
Armed Farces (1969)
VIP's Mistake Book (1970) (inscribed with original drawing)
:: VIP's Mistake Book (1970) (inscribed with original drawing) ::
Shaggy Fur Face (1971)
Shaggy Fur Face (1971)
Vip Quips (1975)
Vip Quips (1975)
Relations in Strange Locations (1978) (inscribed with drawing)
:: Relations in Strange Locations (1978) (inscribed with drawing) ::
Dick's Joint (1979)
:: Dick's Joint (1979) ::
Ludwig The Dog Who Snored Symphonies (1971)
Ludwig The Dog Who Snored Symphonies (1971)
Partch  (from Ludwig)
Partch (from Ludwig)
Partch (from VIP's Mistake Book)
Partch (from VIP's Mistake Book)
The Executive
The Executive
Todays Revolution in Weather Illustrations by Partch
Todays Revolution in Weather Illustrations by Partch
Todays Revolution in Weather example of cartoon
Todays Revolution in Weather example of cartoon
VIP - for building professionals
VIP - for building professionals
VIP  - inside front cover
VIP - inside front cover
How To Look At Women
How To Look At Women
From Western Advertising, August 1957
From Western Advertising, August 1957
Cockeyed cover
Cockeyed cover
Original drawing inscribed to B. Kliban
Original drawing inscribed to B. Kliban