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Christopher Wheeler | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
What sort of images do you want to see? There's a catalog of 482 cartoonists and their work, a large assortment of sign photographs, profiles of New York, most of them not pretty, and some off-beat travel shots. There are a number of ongoing weird projects ('The Nth Generation Apple Project'; 'Shoes Views'; 'Stuff I've Held'; 'Panoramas'; 'Before and After'; others). And there's nearly ten years' of strange and wondrous photos of India. A tribute to Timothy J. Wheeler, my father. And more.


Cartoon(ist) Gallery
:: Cartoon(ist) Gallery ::
:: Signs ::
Ongoing Projects
:: Ongoing Projects ::
New York City
:: New York City ::
Travel -- Offbeat and Otherwise
:: Travel -- Offbeat and Otherwise ::
India 2006-2015
:: India 2006-2015 ::
Hobbies and Events
:: Hobbies and Events ::
Timothy J. Wheeler (June 25, 1937 - August 4, 2007)
:: Timothy J. Wheeler (June 25, 1937 - August 4, 2007) ::
:: Dehradun  ::
Fox Family
:: Fox Family ::