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Christopher Wheeler | profile | all galleries >> Cartoon(ist) Gallery >> Sam Cobean tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sam Cobean

One of my all-time favorite cartoonists.
The Punch Below the Belt (1945)
The Punch Below the Belt (1945)
Cobean's Naked Eye (1950)
Cobean's Naked Eye (1950)
Original Concept Drawings for Cobean's Naked Eye
:: Original Concept Drawings for Cobean's Naked Eye ::
The Cartoons of Cobean (1952)
The Cartoons of Cobean (1952)
Cartoons of Cobean inscribed by Anne Cobean, Sam's wife
Cartoons of Cobean inscribed by Anne Cobean, Sam's wife
Original Art (Dueling Spouses)
:: Original Art (Dueling Spouses) ::
Original Art (Cocktail Party)
:: Original Art (Cocktail Party) ::
Original Art (Anyone Seen My Education?)
:: Original Art (Anyone Seen My Education?) ::
Original Art (Passing Couples)
:: Original Art (Passing Couples) ::
Twelve Original Pieces from Cobean's Office Party Spread (run in Fortune Magazine)
:: Twelve Original Pieces from Cobean's Office Party Spread (run in Fortune Magazine) ::
Sam Cobean
Sam Cobean
Cobean's jaguar.  He crashed it on July 2, 1951 and died from his injuries.
Cobean's jaguar. He crashed it on July 2, 1951 and died from his injuries.
Anne and Sam Cobean from 1949
Anne and Sam Cobean from 1949
Naked Eye Advance Notice
Naked Eye Advance Notice