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Christopher Wheeler | profile | all galleries >> Cartoon(ist) Gallery >> Chon Day tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Chon Day

(1907-2000). Published frequently in The Saturday Evening Post, among others. The Post ran this brief article upon his demise:

The Post sadly regrets the passing of its longest-running cartoonist. Chon Day has been a regular fixture of the Post since 1948.

He was the master of the to-the-point punch line. We'll miss you, Chon.

"Give me the bad news, Doc. Am I going to live?"

"Oh, love is all right--if you like that sort of thing."

"What have you got against me, besides the fact that I married you?"

"I used to have low self-esteem, but hanging around with losers like you has cured me."
Chon Day
Chon Day
Chon Day
Chon Day
(Day a wee bit later)
(Day a wee bit later)
I Could Be Dreaming (1945) (signed)
:: I Could Be Dreaming (1945) (signed) ::
What Price Dory (1955) (inscribed with original drawing)
:: What Price Dory (1955) (inscribed with original drawing) ::
Brother Sebastian (1957) (signed with original drawing)
:: Brother Sebastian (1957) (signed with original drawing) ::
Brother Sebastian Carries On (1959) (inscribed with original drawing)
:: Brother Sebastian Carries On (1959) (inscribed with original drawing) ::
Brother Sebastian At Large (1961)
Brother Sebastian At Large (1961)