As far as I know, Campbell was the the first mainstream African-American cartoonist. His "Cuties" series -- depictions of beautiful white women -- was published in Esquire magazine. It has been reported that when asked "How do race hating Whites feel when they discover that the creator of these sensuous half naked girls is colored?" he replied, "Who gives a damn. I guess they get over it."
Elmer Campbell
Elmer Campbell
:: Popo and Fifina (1932, first ed.) (signed by Langston Hughes and Bontemps) ::
I'm a published illustrator. I called Mr.Campbell in 1952 and sought his advice,re/ my art. He was most gracious! He
recommended that I attend the Cartoonist and Illustrators' School,which later became The School of Visual Arts. I did.
and as they say: the rest is History. He also sent me a couple of sketches!! A Great man. He also said to me,when i
called: "If there was'nt so much snow on the ground, I would come down and bring you up to house." He really made
my day! I shall never forget it. Thank you for this site.