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Carlton Sheely | profile | all galleries >> Attu - 2012 >> Attu Trip Photos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Attu Trip Photos

Missing Jake who took pic.jpg
Missing Jake who took pic.jpg
First look at Adak.jpg
First look at Adak.jpg
Adak Terminal.jpg
Adak Terminal.jpg
Adak Airport.jpg
Adak Airport.jpg
Birding Clam Lagoon - Adak.jpg
Birding Clam Lagoon - Adak.jpg
Puk Uk - Our ride to Attu.jpg
Puk Uk - Our ride to Attu.jpg
Capt Billy Choate at helm.jpg
Capt Billy Choate at helm.jpg
Billly at Helm.jpg
Billly at Helm.jpg
John Puschock - Tour Leader.jpg
John Puschock - Tour Leader.jpg
Isaac our guide at sea watch.jpg
Isaac our guide at sea watch.jpg
Leaving Adak.jpg
Leaving Adak.jpg
Adak-Whiskered Auklet pass.jpg
Adak-Whiskered Auklet pass.jpg
Adak behind Attu ahead.jpg
Adak behind Attu ahead.jpg
Two days to Attu.jpg
Two days to Attu.jpg
Our First Sea Watch.jpg
Our First Sea Watch.jpg
Pat and Doug.jpg
Pat and Doug.jpg
Our first Look at Attu.jpg
Our first Look at Attu.jpg
Casco Cove.jpg
Casco Cove.jpg
The old Lower Base camp.jpg
The old Lower Base camp.jpg
Lower Base.jpg
Lower Base.jpg
Our Base Camp - The Puk Uk.jpg
Our Base Camp - The Puk Uk.jpg
Our Transportation ala Colette.jpg
Our Transportation ala Colette.jpg
Climbing down customised ladder.jpg
Climbing down customised ladder.jpg
Attu At Last.jpg
Attu At Last.jpg
A long walk or hard ride.jpg
A long walk or hard ride.jpg
Lower Base beach.jpg
Lower Base beach.jpg
Lunch after sucessful snipe hunt.jpg
Lunch after sucessful snipe hunt.jpg
Bob and Ann at lunch break.jpg
Bob and Ann at lunch break.jpg
Ebbe on bike brake.jpg
Ebbe on bike brake.jpg
Pratincole Cove.jpg
Pratincole Cove.jpg
Doug checking runway lakes.jpg
Doug checking runway lakes.jpg
USCG Station over Peaceful River.jpg
USCG Station over Peaceful River.jpg
Smew search.jpg
Smew search.jpg
Bike Rest for Doug.jpg
Bike Rest for Doug.jpg
Looking down runway toward Casco Cove.jpg
Looking down runway toward Casco Cove.jpg
Scene from our walk to Alexai Point.jpg
Scene from our walk to Alexai Point.jpg
Walk from Upper Base to Lower Base.jpg
Walk from Upper Base to Lower Base.jpg
Some unfortunate good weather.jpg
Some unfortunate good weather.jpg
A Walk along Gilbert Ridge.jpg
A Walk along Gilbert Ridge.jpg
A long walk.jpg
A long walk.jpg
Along Gilbert Ridge.jpg
Along Gilbert Ridge.jpg
John working hard for us.jpg
John working hard for us.jpg
Ebbe his 12th trip to Attu.jpg
Ebbe his 12th trip to Attu.jpg
My first and last trip to Attu.jpg
My first and last trip to Attu.jpg
Around Alexai Point and back to Puk Uk.jpg
Around Alexai Point and back to Puk Uk.jpg
Some Attu birding history still on the walls.jpg
Some Attu birding history still on the walls.jpg
Komito up to 790 in 92.jpg
Komito up to 790 in 92.jpg
Komito 96.jpg
Komito 96.jpg
The 2010 Zugunruhe trip.jpg
The 2010 Zugunruhe trip.jpg
Ebbes 93 trip.jpg
Ebbes 93 trip.jpg
Pat Moynahans trip missed the year.jpg
Pat Moynahans trip missed the year.jpg
Our place in Attu history.jpg
Our place in Attu history.jpg
Attu's Etienne Bay.jpg
Attu's Etienne Bay.jpg
Birding Attu's Etienne Bay.jpg
Birding Attu's Etienne Bay.jpg
A cold Etienne Bay.jpg
A cold Etienne Bay.jpg
Upper Base cup location.jpg
Upper Base cup location.jpg
Upper Base kitchen.jpg
Upper Base kitchen.jpg
Upper Base Dining area.jpg
Upper Base Dining area.jpg
Our kitchen and dining area on Puk Uk.jpg
Our kitchen and dining area on Puk Uk.jpg
Sleeping area in starboard bow.jpg
Sleeping area in starboard bow.jpg
Too many sunny days.jpg
Too many sunny days.jpg
Petrel watch on way back to Adak.jpg
Petrel watch on way back to Adak.jpg