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Steve Goldthorp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway

To be found in the valley of Eskdale in the English Lake District.
See < and < for a description of the locos we saw! A recommended day out for the kids/adults with walks and good food at either end and in the middle!
River Esk 2-8-2
River Esk 2-8-2
River Esk 2-8-2
River Esk 2-8-2
Robin (Dad to us!)
Robin (Dad to us!)
Trackside shelter
Trackside shelter
Eskdale view
Eskdale view
River Irt 0-8-2
River Irt 0-8-2
River Mite 2-8-2
River Mite 2-8-2
River Mite on the Dalegarth turntable
River Mite on the Dalegarth turntable
River Mite 2-8-2
River Mite 2-8-2
River Mite 2-8-2
River Mite 2-8-2
River Mite 2-8-2 having a drink
River Mite 2-8-2 having a drink
River Mites firebox
River Mites firebox
Boot Mill
Boot Mill
Doorway to the Mill
Doorway to the Mill
View to Boot Inn and Scafell
View to Boot Inn and Scafell
River Irt 0-8-2
River Irt 0-8-2
River Irt on the turntable
River Irt on the turntable
River Irt 0-8-2
River Irt 0-8-2
River Irts boiler
River Irts boiler
River Irt wheels
River Irt wheels
Window on the Irt
Window on the Irt
River Irt 0-8-2
River Irt 0-8-2
River Irt cabin and tender
River Irt cabin and tender
Full steam
Full steam