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Steve Goldthorp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dorset and Stonehenge with friends tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Dorset and Stonehenge with friends

A quick upload, no pp whatsoever (untill I get time to go through and replace them!)
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Kingston Lacy in the rain
Kingston Lacy in the rain
g3/63/190063/3/96639041.9XUz3BGp.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639043.Eyh0LSA2.jpg Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Minster ceiling
Wimborne Minster ceiling
g3/63/190063/3/96639063.C0XpXiRU.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639065.PWVLfcRX.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639068.2wcb2LGX.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639070.6XzvXbsP.jpg
g3/63/190063/3/96639073.e3QbCUTs.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639076.dZxCOnpv.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639078.B0Z1z1QK.jpg Martin
Christchurch Priory
Christchurch Priory
Christchurch Priory
Christchurch Priory
Christchurch Priory
Christchurch Priory
Christchurch Priory
Christchurch Priory
g3/63/190063/3/96639094.kZoQZxWD.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639095.WC6DJPo9.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639096.sBTUNWbM.jpg
g3/63/190063/3/96639097.Bdbh8Dxu.jpg Martin and Ruth
Martin and Ruth
g3/63/190063/3/96639100.OfkxJpnA.jpg g3/63/190063/3/96639102.p4Rq6nP0.jpg
g3/63/190063/3/96639103.ClDNuc1j.jpg Old Sarum Cathedral plan
Old Sarum Cathedral plan
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