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Bev Wigney | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Moths of Round Hill, Nova Scotia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Moths of Round Hill, Nova Scotia

Moths photographed at my study area at Round Hill, Nova Scotia. N44.46.23, W065.24.18 (WGS84).

Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Sthenopis argenteomaculatus - 0018 - Silver-spotted Ghost Moth
Synanthedon acerni - 2554 - Maple Callus Borer
Synanthedon acerni - 2554 - Maple Callus Borer
Taniva albolineana - 2745 - Spruce Needleminer
Taniva albolineana - 2745 - Spruce Needleminer
Apotomis infida - 2767
Apotomis infida - 2767
Apotomis infida - 2767
Apotomis infida - 2767
Olethreutes quadrifidum - 2794
Olethreutes quadrifidum - 2794
Olethreutes quadrifidum - 2794
Olethreutes quadrifidum - 2794
Evora hemidesma  - 2866 - Evora hemidesma (possible ID)
Evora hemidesma - 2866 - Evora hemidesma (possible ID)
Phaneta formosana - 2916 - Beautiful Phaneta Moth
Phaneta formosana - 2916 - Beautiful Phaneta Moth
Pseudexentera spoliana - 3251 -  Bare-patched Oak Leafroller Moth
Pseudexentera spoliana - 3251 - Bare-patched Oak Leafroller Moth
Ancylis nubeculana - 3354 - Little Cloud
Ancylis nubeculana - 3354 - Little Cloud
Pandemis lamprosana  - 3593 - Woodgrain Leafroller (?)
Pandemis lamprosana - 3593 - Woodgrain Leafroller (?)
Pandemis lamprosana - 3593 - Woodgrain Leafroller
Pandemis lamprosana - 3593 - Woodgrain Leafroller
Choristoneura rosaceana - 3635 - Oblique-banded Leafroller
Choristoneura rosaceana - 3635 - Oblique-banded Leafroller
Choristoneura conflictana - 3637 - Large Aspen Tortrix
Choristoneura conflictana - 3637 - Large Aspen Tortrix
Cenopis reticulatana - 3720 - Reticulated Fruitworm Moth
Cenopis reticulatana - 3720 - Reticulated Fruitworm Moth
Tortricidia testacea - 4652 - Early Button Slug Moth - view 1
Tortricidia testacea - 4652 - Early Button Slug Moth - view 1
Tortricidia testacea - 4652 - Early Button Slug Moth - view 2
Tortricidia testacea - 4652 - Early Button Slug Moth - view 2
Packardia elegans - 4661 - legant Tailed Slug Moth
Packardia elegans - 4661 - legant Tailed Slug Moth
Lithacodes fasciola - 4665 - Yellow-shouldered Slug moth
Lithacodes fasciola - 4665 - Yellow-shouldered Slug moth
Lithacodes fasciola - 4665 - Yellow-shouldered Slug moth
Lithacodes fasciola - 4665 - Yellow-shouldered Slug moth
Lithacodes fasciola - 4665 - Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth
Lithacodes fasciola - 4665 - Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth
Elophila gyralis - 4751 - Waterlily Borer Moth (?)
Elophila gyralis - 4751 - Waterlily Borer Moth (?)
Elophila gyralis - 4751 - Waterlily Borer Moth
Elophila gyralis - 4751 - Waterlily Borer Moth
Synclita obliteralis (?) - 4755 - Waterlily Leafcutter Moth (?)
Synclita obliteralis (?) - 4755 - Waterlily Leafcutter Moth (?)
Parapoynx maculalis - 4759 - Polymorphic Pondweed Moth
Parapoynx maculalis - 4759 - Polymorphic Pondweed Moth
Chalcoela iphitalis - 4895 - Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth
Chalcoela iphitalis - 4895 - Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth
Chalcoela iphitalis - 4895 - Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth
Chalcoela iphitalis - 4895 - Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth
Evergestis pallidata - 4897 - Purple-backed Cabbageworm Moth
Evergestis pallidata - 4897 - Purple-backed Cabbageworm Moth
Evergestis pallidata - 4897 - Purple-backed Cabbageworm
Evergestis pallidata - 4897 - Purple-backed Cabbageworm
Evergestis pallidata - 4897 - Purple-backed Cabbageworm
Evergestis pallidata - 4897 - Purple-backed Cabbageworm
Nascia acutella (?) - 4937 - Streaked Orange (?)
Nascia acutella (?) - 4937 - Streaked Orange (?)
Eurrhypara hortulata - 4952 - Small Magpie Moth
Eurrhypara hortulata - 4952 - Small Magpie Moth
Eurrhypara hortulata - 4952 - Small Magpie Moth
Eurrhypara hortulata - 4952 - Small Magpie Moth
Eurrhypara hortulata - 4952 - Small Magpie Moth
Eurrhypara hortulata - 4952 - Small Magpie Moth
Phlyctaenia coronata - 4953 - Crowned Phlyctaenia
Phlyctaenia coronata - 4953 - Crowned Phlyctaenia
Phlyctaenia coronata - 4953 - Crowned Phlyctaenia
Phlyctaenia coronata - 4953 - Crowned Phlyctaenia
Anania funebris glomeralis - 4958a - White-spotted Sable moth
Anania funebris glomeralis - 4958a - White-spotted Sable moth
Diacme adipaloides - Hodges 5143 - Darker Diacme
Diacme adipaloides - Hodges 5143 - Darker Diacme
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Palpita magniferalis - 5226 - Splendid Palpita
Lygropia rivulalis - 5250 - Bog Lygropia Moth
Lygropia rivulalis - 5250 - Bog Lygropia Moth
Herpetogramma pertextalis - 5275 - Bold-feathered Grass Moth
Herpetogramma pertextalis - 5275 - Bold-feathered Grass Moth
Herpetogramma thestealis - 5277 - Zigzag Herpetogramma
Herpetogramma thestealis - 5277 - Zigzag Herpetogramma
Herpetogramma thestealis - 5277 - Zigzag Herpetogramma
Herpetogramma thestealis - 5277 - Zigzag Herpetogramma
Donacaula melinellus - 5316
Donacaula melinellus - 5316
Crambus laqueatellus - 5378 - Eastern Grass-veneer Moth
Crambus laqueatellus - 5378 - Eastern Grass-veneer Moth
Chrysoteuchia topiaria - 5391  – Topiary Grass-veneer Moth
Chrysoteuchia topiaria - 5391 – Topiary Grass-veneer Moth
Aglossa cuprina - 5518 - Grease Moth
Aglossa cuprina - 5518 - Grease Moth
Hypsopygia costalis - 5524 – Clover Hayworm Moth
Hypsopygia costalis - 5524 – Clover Hayworm Moth
Aphomia sociella - 5629 - Bee Moth
Aphomia sociella - 5629 - Bee Moth
Aphomia sociella - 5629 - Bee Moth
Aphomia sociella - 5629 - Bee Moth
Aphomia sociella - 5629 - Bee Moth
Aphomia sociella - 5629 - Bee Moth
Sciota subcaesiella - 5796 - Locust Leafroller Moth
Sciota subcaesiella - 5796 - Locust Leafroller Moth
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth - view 1
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth - view 1
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth - view 2
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth - view 2
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth
Habrosyne scripta - 6235 - Lettered Habrosyne Moth
 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid - view 1
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid - view 1
 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid - view 2
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid - view 2
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 -Tufted Thyatirid
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 -Tufted Thyatirid
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 - Tufted Thyatirid
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata - 6251 - Arched Hooktip Moth
Oreta rosea - 6255 - Rose Hooktip Moth
Oreta rosea - 6255 - Rose Hooktip Moth
Oreta rosea - 6255 - Rose Hooktip
Oreta rosea - 6255 - Rose Hooktip
Heliomata cycladata - 6261 - Common Spring Moth
Heliomata cycladata - 6261 - Common Spring Moth
Speranza pustularia-6273 - Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Speranza pustularia-6273 - Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Common Angle - 6326 -  Macaria aemulataria
Common Angle - 6326 - Macaria aemulataria
Macaria bisignata - 6342 - Red-headed Inchworm Moth
Macaria bisignata - 6342 - Red-headed Inchworm Moth
Macaria oweni - 6351
Macaria oweni - 6351
Macaria oweni - 6351 - Owen's Angle
Macaria oweni - 6351 - Owen's Angle
Digrammia ocellinata – 6386 - Faint-spotted Angle Moth
Digrammia ocellinata – 6386 - Faint-spotted Angle Moth
Glena cognataria (possibly - worn specimen) - 6450
Glena cognataria (possibly - worn specimen) - 6450
 Iridopsis larvaria  - 6588 - Bent-line Gray
Iridopsis larvaria - 6588 - Bent-line Gray
Iridopsis larvaria  - 6588 - Bent-line Gray
Iridopsis larvaria - 6588 - Bent-line Gray
Iridopsis larvaria - 6588 - Bent-line Gray
Iridopsis larvaria - 6588 - Bent-line Gray
Anavitrinella pampinaria - 6590 - Common Gray
Anavitrinella pampinaria - 6590 - Common Gray
Protoboarmia porcelaria - 6598 - Porcelain Gray
Protoboarmia porcelaria - 6598 - Porcelain Gray
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophia signataria - 6621 - Signate Melanolophia
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Biston betularia - 6640 - Peppered Moth
Hypagyrtis unipunctata – 6654 - One-spotted Variant Moth
Hypagyrtis unipunctata – 6654 - One-spotted Variant Moth
Hypagyrtis unipunctata - 6654 - One-spotted Variant
Hypagyrtis unipunctata - 6654 - One-spotted Variant
One-spotted Variant - 6654 - Hypagyrtis unipunctata
One-spotted Variant - 6654 - Hypagyrtis unipunctata
Lomographa vestaliata (Guenee) - 6667 - White Spring Moth
Lomographa vestaliata (Guenee) - 6667 - White Spring Moth
Euchlaena muzaria - 6725
Euchlaena muzaria - 6725
Euchlaena muzaria (?) - 6725
Euchlaena muzaria (?) - 6725
Euchlaena muzaria - 6725
Euchlaena muzaria - 6725
Euchlaena johnsonaria - 6729 - Johnson's Euchlaena
Euchlaena johnsonaria - 6729 - Johnson's Euchlaena
Xanthotype sp - 6740 or 6743
Xanthotype sp - 6740 or 6743
Xanthotype species
Xanthotype species
Pero morrisonaria - 6755 - Morrison's Pero
Pero morrisonaria - 6755 - Morrison's Pero
Pero morrisonaria - 6755 - Morrison's Pero
Pero morrisonaria - 6755 - Morrison's Pero
Pero morrisonaria - 6755 - Morrison's Pero
Pero morrisonaria - 6755 - Morrison's Pero
Phaeoura quernaria - 6763 - Oak Beauty
Phaeoura quernaria - 6763 - Oak Beauty
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata - 6796 - Pale Beauty Moth
Tacparia atropunctata - 6806
Tacparia atropunctata - 6806
Tacparia atropunctata - 6806
Tacparia atropunctata - 6806
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlod
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlod
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria (probable) - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria (probable) - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria (probable) - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes - worn
Homochlodes fritillaria (probable) - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes - worn
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes fritillaria - 6812 - Pale Homochlodes
Homochlodes disconventa (??) - 6813 - (worn)
Homochlodes disconventa (??) - 6813 - (worn)
Metanema determinata - 6820 - Dark Metanema
Metanema determinata - 6820 - Dark Metanema
Metanema determinata - 6820 - Dark Metanema
Metanema determinata - 6820 - Dark Metanema
Metarranthis hypocharia - 6826
Metarranthis hypocharia - 6826
Metarranthis hypocharia - 6826
Metarranthis hypocharia - 6826
Plagodis serinaria - 6840 - Lemon Plagodis
Plagodis serinaria - 6840 - Lemon Plagodis
Plagodis serinaria - 6840 - Lemon Plagodis
Plagodis serinaria - 6840 - Lemon Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis kuetzingi - 6841 - Purple Plagodis
Plagodis phlogosaria - 6842 - Straight-lined Plagodis
Plagodis phlogosaria - 6842 - Straight-lined Plagodis
Caripeta divisata - 6863 - Gray Spruce Looper
Caripeta divisata - 6863 - Gray Spruce Looper
Northern Pine Looper - 6867 - Caripeta piniata
Northern Pine Looper - 6867 - Caripeta piniata
Nepytia canosaria – 6906 – False Hemlock Looper Moth
Nepytia canosaria – 6906 – False Hemlock Looper Moth
Eusarca confusaria - 6941 - Confused Eusarca
Eusarca confusaria - 6941 - Confused Eusarca
Eusarca confusaria - 6941 - Confused Eusarca
Eusarca confusaria - 6941 - Confused Eusarca
Tetracis crocallata - 6963 - Yellow Slant-line
Tetracis crocallata - 6963 - Yellow Slant-line
Tetracis crocallata - 6963 - Yellow Slant-line
Tetracis crocallata - 6963 - Yellow Slant-line
Tetracis crocallata - 6963 - Yellow Slant-line
Tetracis crocallata - 6963 - Yellow Slant-line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-Line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-Line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-Line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-Line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-Line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-Line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-line
Tetracis cachexiata - 6964 - White Slant-line
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Eutrapela clemataria - 6966 - Curved-toothed Geometer
Prochoerodes lineola - 6982 - Large Maple Spanworm
Prochoerodes lineola - 6982 - Large Maple Spanworm
Nematocampa resistaria - 7010 - Horned Spanworm
Nematocampa resistaria - 7010 - Horned Spanworm
Nemoria mimosaria - 7048 - White-Fringed Emerald
Nemoria mimosaria - 7048 - White-Fringed Emerald
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria - 7071 - Blackberry Looper
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria - 7071 - Blackberry Looper
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria - 7071 - Blackberry Looper
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria - 7071 - Blackberry Looper
Hethemia pistasciaria - 7084 - Pistachio Emerald
Hethemia pistasciaria - 7084 - Pistachio Emerald
Idaea dimidiata - 7126 - Single-dotted Wave
Idaea dimidiata - 7126 - Single-dotted Wave
Idaea dimidiata - 7126 - Single-dotted Wave Moth
Idaea dimidiata - 7126 - Single-dotted Wave Moth
Cyclophora pendulinaria - 7139 - Sweetfern Geometer moth
Cyclophora pendulinaria - 7139 - Sweetfern Geometer moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula limboundata - 7159 - Large Lace-border moth
Scopula fridgidaria - 7166 - Frigid Wave Moth
Scopula fridgidaria - 7166 - Frigid Wave Moth
Eulithis gracilineata - 7197 - Greater Grapevine Looper
Eulithis gracilineata - 7197 - Greater Grapevine Looper
Eulithis serrataria - 7208 -  Serrated Eulithis
Eulithis serrataria - 7208 - Serrated Eulithis
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213a - Small Phoenix
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213a - Small Phoenix
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213a - Small Phoenix
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213a - Small Phoenix
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213a - Small Phoenix
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213a - Small Phoenix
Hydriomena renunciata - 7236 - Renounced Hydriomena
Hydriomena renunciata - 7236 - Renounced Hydriomena
Hydriomena renunciata - 7236 - Renounced Hydriomena
Hydriomena renunciata - 7236 - Renounced Hydriomena
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213 - Small Phoenix Moth
Ecliptopera silaceata - 7213 - Small Phoenix Moth
Hydriomena renunciata - 7236 - Renounced Hydriomena
Hydriomena renunciata - 7236 - Renounced Hydriomena
Rheumaptera prunivorata - 7292
Rheumaptera prunivorata - 7292
Rheumaptera prunivorata - 7292 - Cherry Scallop Shell
Rheumaptera prunivorata - 7292 - Cherry Scallop Shell
Rheumaptera prunivorata - 7292 - Cherry Scallop Shell Moth
Rheumaptera prunivorata - 7292 - Cherry Scallop Shell Moth
Rheumaptera hastata - 7293E
Rheumaptera hastata - 7293E
Spargania magnoliata ruptata - 7312 - Double-banded Carpet Moth
Spargania magnoliata ruptata - 7312 - Double-banded Carpet Moth
Anticlea vasiliata - 7329 - Variable Carpet Moth
Anticlea vasiliata - 7329 - Variable Carpet Moth
Xanthorhoe labradorensis - 7368 - Labrador Carpet
Xanthorhoe labradorensis - 7368 - Labrador Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata (Mueller) - 7394E - White-banded Toothed Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata (Mueller) - 7394E - White-banded Toothed Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata - 7394E - White-banded Toothed Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata - 7394E - White-banded Toothed Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata - 7394E - White-banded Toothed Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata - 7394E - White-banded Toothed Carpet
Euphyia intermediata  - 7399a - Sharp-angled Carpet Moth
Euphyia intermediata - 7399a - Sharp-angled Carpet Moth
Euphyia intermediata - 7399a - Sharp-angled Carpet Moth
Euphyia intermediata - 7399a - Sharp-angled Carpet Moth
Euphyia intermediata - 7399a - Sharp-angled Carpet Moth
Euphyia intermediata - 7399a - Sharp-angled Carpet Moth
Orthonama obstipata - 7414 - The Gem
Orthonama obstipata - 7414 - The Gem
Hydrelia condensata - 7420
Hydrelia condensata - 7420
Hydrelia condensata - 7420
Hydrelia condensata - 7420
Hydrelia inornata - 7422E
Hydrelia inornata - 7422E
Hydrelia inornata - 7422E
Hydrelia inornata - 7422E
Hydrelia inornata - 7422E
Hydrelia inornata - 7422E
Horisme intestinata - 7445B - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445B - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445B - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445B - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445 - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445 - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445 - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445 - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445 - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Horisme intestinata - 7445 - Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Eupithecia palpata - 7449 - Small Pine Looper
Eupithecia palpata - 7449 - Small Pine Looper
Eupithecia subfuscata - 7487
Eupithecia subfuscata - 7487
Eupithecia subfuscata - 7487
Eupithecia subfuscata - 7487
Eupithecia subfuscata (possible - worn specimen) - 7487
Eupithecia subfuscata (possible - worn specimen) - 7487
Eupithecia russeliata - (probable) - 7526
Eupithecia russeliata - (probable) - 7526
Eupithecia johnstoni (?) - 7570E
Eupithecia johnstoni (?) - 7570E
Eupithecia johnstoni (?) - 7570E
Eupithecia johnstoni (?) - 7570E
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Eupithecia anticaria - 7594 B
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Pasiphila rectangulata - 7625 - Green Pug Moth
Callizzia amorata  - 7650 - Gray Scoopwing
Callizzia amorata - 7650 - Gray Scoopwing
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth - view 1
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth - view 1
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth - view 2
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth - view 2
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
phyllodesma americana - 7687 - American Lappet Moth
phyllodesma americana - 7687 - American Lappet Moth
phyllodesma americana - 7687 - American Lappet Moth
phyllodesma americana - 7687 - American Lappet Moth
phyllodesma americana - 7687 - American Lappet Moth
phyllodesma americana - 7687 - American Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
Phyllodesma americana - 7687 - Lappet Moth
Malacosoma disstria - 7698
Malacosoma disstria - 7698
Malacosoma disstria - 7698 - Forest Tent Caterpillar
Malacosoma disstria - 7698 - Forest Tent Caterpillar
Malacosoma americana - 7701 - Eastern Tent Caterpillar moth
Malacosoma americana - 7701 - Eastern Tent Caterpillar moth
Malacosoma americana - 7701 - Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Malacosoma americana - 7701 - Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 1
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 1
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 2
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 2
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 1
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 1
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 2
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth - view 2
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda - 7715 - Rosy Maple Moth
Antheraea polyphemus - 7757 - Polyphemus
Antheraea polyphemus - 7757 - Polyphemus
Polyphemus -- 7757 -- Antheraea polyphemus
Polyphemus -- 7757 -- Antheraea polyphemus
Polyphemus -- 7757 --  Antheraea polyphemus
Polyphemus -- 7757 -- Antheraea polyphemus
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Actias luna - 7758 - Luna Moth
Hyalophora cecropia -7767 - Cecropia Moth
Hyalophora cecropia -7767 - Cecropia Moth
Hyalophora cecropia -7767 - Cecropia Moth
Hyalophora cecropia -7767 - Cecropia Moth
Hyalophora cecropia -7767 - Cecropia Moth
Hyalophora cecropia -7767 - Cecropia Moth
Ceratomia undulosa – 7787 - Waved Sphinx Moth
Ceratomia undulosa – 7787 - Waved Sphinx Moth
Ceratomia undulosa - 7787 - Waved Sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa - 7787 - Waved Sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa - 7787 - Waved Sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa - 7787 - Waved Sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa - 7787 - Waved Sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa - 7787 - Waved Sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae – 7809 - Laurel Sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae – 7809 - Laurel Sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae – 7809 - Laurel Sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae – 7809 - Laurel Sphinx
Laurel Sphinx - Sphinx kalmiae
Laurel Sphinx - Sphinx kalmiae
Sphinx poecila - 7810.1 - Northern Apple Sphinx - view 1
Sphinx poecila - 7810.1 - Northern Apple Sphinx - view 1
Sphinx poecila - 7810.1 - Northern Apple Sphinx - view 2
Sphinx poecila - 7810.1 - Northern Apple Sphinx - view 2
Sphinx poecila - 7810.1 - Northern Apple Sphinx
Sphinx poecila - 7810.1 - Northern Apple Sphinx
Sphinx drupiferarum - 7812 - Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth
Sphinx drupiferarum - 7812 - Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth
Sphinx drupiferarum - 7812 - Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth
Sphinx drupiferarum - 7812 - Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth
Lapara bombycoides - 7817 - Northern Pine Sphinx
Lapara bombycoides - 7817 - Northern Pine Sphinx
Paonias excaecata - 7824 - Blind-eyed Sphinx
Paonias excaecata - 7824 - Blind-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Paonias myops - 7825 - Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Big Poplar Sphinx - view 1
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Big Poplar Sphinx - view 1
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Big Poplar Sphinx - view 2
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Big Poplar Sphinx - view 2
Pachysphinx modesta-7828 - Big Poplar Sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta-7828 - Big Poplar Sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Modest Sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Modest Sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Modest Sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Modest Sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Modest Sphinx
Pachysphinx modesta - 7828 - Modest Sphinx
Hummingbird Clearwing - 7853 - Hemaris thysbe
Hummingbird Clearwing - 7853 - Hemaris thysbe
Hummingbird Clearwing - 7853 - Hemaris thysbe
Hummingbird Clearwing - 7853 - Hemaris thysbe
Amphion floridensis - 7873 - Nessus Sphinx - view 1
Amphion floridensis - 7873 - Nessus Sphinx - view 1
Amphion floridensis - 7873 - Nessus Sphinx - view 2
Amphion floridensis - 7873 - Nessus Sphinx - view 2
Amphion floridensis
Amphion floridensis
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus - 7886 - Azalea Sphinx
Clostera apicalis - 7901 - Apical Prominent
Clostera apicalis - 7901 - Apical Prominent
Datana ministra - 7902 - Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Datana ministra - 7902 - Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Datana ministra - 7902 - Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Datana ministra - 7902 - Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Datana ministra - 7902 - Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Datana ministra - 7902 - Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa - 7915 - White-dotted Prominent
Peridea basitriens - 7919 - Oval-Based Prominent
Peridea basitriens - 7919 - Oval-Based Prominent
Peridea basitriens - 7919 - Oval-Based Prominent  (view 1)
Peridea basitriens - 7919 - Oval-Based Prominent (view 1)
Peridea basitriens - 7919 - Oval-Based Prominent  (view 2)
Peridea basitriens - 7919 - Oval-Based Prominent (view 2)
Peridea ferruginea - 7921 - Chocolate Prominent - view 1
Peridea ferruginea - 7921 - Chocolate Prominent - view 1
Peridea ferruginea - 7921 - Chocolate Prominent - view 2
Peridea ferruginea - 7921 - Chocolate Prominent - view 2
Odontosia elegans - 7924 - Elegant Prominent
Odontosia elegans - 7924 - Elegant Prominent
Odontosia elegans - 7924 - Elegant Prominent
Odontosia elegans - 7924 - Elegant Prominent
Notodonta torva – 7928 - Northern Finned Prominent
Notodonta torva – 7928 - Northern Finned Prominent
Gluphisia septentrionis - 7931 - Common Gluphisia
Gluphisia septentrionis - 7931 - Common Gluphisia
Gluphisia septentrionis - 7931 - Common Gluphisia
Gluphisia septentrionis - 7931 - Common Gluphisia
Furcula modesta - 7941 - Modest Furcula
Furcula modesta - 7941 - Modest Furcula
Symmerista albifrons - 7951 - White-headed Prominent
Symmerista albifrons - 7951 - White-headed Prominent
Symmerista albifrons - 7951 - White-headed Prominent (worn specimen)
Symmerista albifrons - 7951 - White-headed Prominent (worn specimen)
Heterocampa umbrata - 7990 - White-blotched Heterocampa
Heterocampa umbrata - 7990 - White-blotched Heterocampa
Heterocampa umbrata – 7990 - White-blotched Heterocampa
Heterocampa umbrata – 7990 - White-blotched Heterocampa
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth - view 1
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth - view 1
Schizura unicornis - 8007 Unicorn Schizura
Schizura unicornis - 8007 Unicorn Schizura
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth - view 2
Schizura unicornis - 8007 - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth - view 2
Schizura unicornis - 8007 Unicorn Schizura
Schizura unicornis - 8007 Unicorn Schizura
Schizura unicornis - 8007 Unicorn Schizura
Schizura unicornis - 8007 Unicorn Schizura
Oligocentria semirufescens - 8012 - Red-washed Prominent
Oligocentria semirufescens - 8012 - Red-washed Prominent
Oligocentria semirufescens - 8012 - Red-washed Prominent
Oligocentria semirufescens - 8012 - Red-washed Prominent
Haploa clymene - 8107
Haploa clymene - 8107
Haploa lecontei - 8111 - Leconte's Haploa Moth
Haploa lecontei - 8111 - Leconte's Haploa Moth
Haploa confusa - 8112 - Confused Haploa Moth - view 1
Haploa confusa - 8112 - Confused Haploa Moth - view 1
Haploa confusa - 8112 - Confused Haploa Moth - view 2
Haploa confusa - 8112 - Confused Haploa Moth - view 2
Haploa confusa -  8112 - Confused Haploa
Haploa confusa - 8112 - Confused Haploa
Haploa confusa - 8112 - Confused Haploa
Haploa confusa - 8112 - Confused Haploa
Holomelina laeta - 8114 - Joyful holomelina
Holomelina laeta - 8114 - Joyful holomelina
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth - view 1
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth - view 1
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth - view 2
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth - view 2
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella - 8129 - Isabella Tiger Moth
Spilosoma virginica -8137 - Virginian Tiger Moth
Spilosoma virginica -8137 - Virginian Tiger Moth
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - 8156  (??) - view 1
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - 8156 (??) - view 1
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - 8156  (??) - view 2
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - 8156 (??) - view 2
Grammia virguncula - 8175 - Little Virgin Tiger Moth
Grammia virguncula - 8175 - Little Virgin Tiger Moth
Grammia parthenice - 8196 - Parthenice Tiger Moth
Grammia parthenice - 8196 - Parthenice Tiger Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 - Banded Tussock Moth
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 & Xestia dolosa - 10942.1
Halysidota tessellaris - 8203 & Xestia dolosa - 10942.1
Lophocampa caryae - 8211 - Hickory Tussock Moth
Lophocampa caryae - 8211 - Hickory Tussock Moth
Lophocampa maculata  - 8214 - Spotted Tussock
Lophocampa maculata - 8214 - Spotted Tussock
Lophocampa maculata- 8214 - Spotted Tussock
Lophocampa maculata- 8214 - Spotted Tussock
Lophocampa maculata - 8214 - Spotted Tussock
Lophocampa maculata - 8214 - Spotted Tussock
Lophocampa maculata - 8214 -Spotted Tussock Moth
Lophocampa maculata - 8214 -Spotted Tussock Moth
Ctenucha virginica - 8262 - Virginia ctenucha
Ctenucha virginica - 8262 - Virginia ctenucha
Cisseps fulvicollis - 8267 - Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis - 8267 - Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis - 8267 - Yellow-collared Scape moth
Cisseps fulvicollis - 8267 - Yellow-collared Scape moth
Cisseps fulvicollis - 8267 - Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis - 8267 - Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Dasychira basiflava - 8296 - Yellow-based Tussock Moth
Dasychira basiflava - 8296 - Yellow-based Tussock Moth
Northern Pine Tussock - 8304 - Dasychira plagiata
Northern Pine Tussock - 8304 - Dasychira plagiata
Dasychira plagiata - 8304 - Northern Pine Tussock (?)
Dasychira plagiata - 8304 - Northern Pine Tussock (?)
Dasychira plagiata - 8304 - Northern Pine Tussock Moth
Dasychira plagiata - 8304 - Northern Pine Tussock Moth
Dasychira plagiata - 8304 - Northern Pine Tussock Moth
Dasychira plagiata - 8304 - Northern Pine Tussock Moth
Dasychira dorsipennata - 8293 - Sharp Lined Tussock Moth
Dasychira dorsipennata - 8293 - Sharp Lined Tussock Moth
Orgyia leucostigma - 8316 - White-marked Tussock Moth
Orgyia leucostigma - 8316 - White-marked Tussock Moth
Lymantria dispar - 8318 - Gypsy Moth
Lymantria dispar - 8318 - Gypsy Moth
Idia americalis - 8322 - American Idia - Idia americalis
Idia americalis - 8322 - American Idia - Idia americalis
Idia americalis - 8322 - American Idia
Idia americalis - 8322 - American Idia
Idia aemula - 8323 - Common Idia (??)
Idia aemula - 8323 - Common Idia (??)
Idia aemula - 8323 - Common Idia
Idia aemula - 8323 - Common Idia
Idia aemula - 8323 - Common Idia
Idia aemula - 8323 - Common Idia
Idia lubricalis - 8334 - Glossy Black Idia (??)
Idia lubricalis - 8334 - Glossy Black Idia (??)
Zanclognatha pedipilalis - 8348 - Grayish Zanclognatha
Zanclognatha pedipilalis - 8348 - Grayish Zanclognatha
Zanclognatha pedipilalis - 8348 - Grayish Zanclognatha
Zanclognatha pedipilalis - 8348 - Grayish Zanclognatha
Zanclognatha pedipilalis - 8348 - Grayish Zanclognatha
Zanclognatha pedipilalis - 8348 - Grayish Zanclognatha
Macrochilo absorptalis - 8357 - Slant-lined Owlet
Macrochilo absorptalis - 8357 - Slant-lined Owlet
Macrochilo orciferalis - 8360 - Bronzy Macrochilo
Macrochilo orciferalis - 8360 - Bronzy Macrochilo
Rivula propinqualis - 8404 - Spotted Grass Moth
Rivula propinqualis - 8404 - Spotted Grass Moth
Hypena baltimoralis - 8442 - Baltimore Bomolocha
Hypena baltimoralis - 8442 - Baltimore Bomolocha
Hypena baltimoralis - 8442 - Baltimore Bomolocha
Hypena baltimoralis - 8442 - Baltimore Bomolocha
Metalectra quadrisignata - 8500 - Four-spotted Fungus moth
Metalectra quadrisignata - 8500 - Four-spotted Fungus moth
Metalectra quadrisignata - 8500 - Four-spotted Fungus moth
Metalectra quadrisignata - 8500 - Four-spotted Fungus moth
Metalectra quadrisignata ?? - 8500 - Four-spotted Fungus moth (worn)
Metalectra quadrisignata ?? - 8500 - Four-spotted Fungus moth (worn)
Calyptra canadensis - 8546 - Meadow Rue Owlet Moth
Calyptra canadensis - 8546 - Meadow Rue Owlet Moth
Scoliopteryx libatrix - 8555
Scoliopteryx libatrix - 8555
Zale aeruginosa - 8694 - Green-dusted Zale
Zale aeruginosa - 8694 - Green-dusted Zale
Zale aeruginosa - 8694 - Green-dusted Zale
Zale aeruginosa - 8694 - Green-dusted Zale
Zale aerugenosa - 8694 - Green-dusted Zale
Zale aerugenosa - 8694 - Green-dusted Zale
Zale helata - 8704 - Brown-spotted Zale
Zale helata - 8704 - Brown-spotted Zale
Zale helata - 8704 - Brown-spotted Zale
Zale helata - 8704 - Brown-spotted Zale
Zale horrida - 8717 - Horrid Zale
Zale horrida - 8717 - Horrid Zale
Zale horrida - 8717 - Horrid Zale
Zale horrida - 8717 - Horrid Zale
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger
Parallelia bistriaris - 8727 - Maple Looper Moth
Parallelia bistriaris - 8727 - Maple Looper Moth
Parallelia bistriaris - 8727 - Maple Looper Moth
Parallelia bistriaris - 8727 - Maple Looper Moth
Parallelia bistriaris - 8727 - Maple Looper
Parallelia bistriaris - 8727 - Maple Looper
Caenurgina crassiuscula - 8738 - Clover Looper
Caenurgina crassiuscula - 8738 - Clover Looper
Caenurgina crassiuscula - 8738 - Clover Looper
Caenurgina crassiuscula - 8738 - Clover Looper
Catocala ultronia - 8857 - Ultronia Underwing
Catocala ultronia - 8857 - Ultronia Underwing
Catocala ultronia - 8857 - Ultronia Underwing
Catocala ultronia - 8857 - Ultronia Underwing
Catocala crataegi - 8858 - Hawthorn Underwing
Catocala crataegi - 8858 - Hawthorn Underwing
Catocala crataegi - 8858 - Hawthorn Underwing Moth
Catocala crataegi - 8858 - Hawthorn Underwing Moth
Hologram Moth  - 8897 -  Diachrysia balluca
Hologram Moth - 8897 - Diachrysia balluca
Pseudeva purpurigera - 8899 - Straight-lined Looper
Pseudeva purpurigera - 8899 - Straight-lined Looper
Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides - 8905 - Pink-patched Looper
Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides - 8905 - Pink-patched Looper
Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides - 8905 - Pink-patched Looper
Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides - 8905 - Pink-patched Looper
Autographa precationis - 8908 - Common Looper Moth
Autographa precationis - 8908 - Common Looper Moth
Autographa precationis - 8908 - Common Looper Moth
Autographa precationis - 8908 - Common Looper Moth
Autographa precationis - 8908 - Common Looper Moth
Autographa precationis - 8908 - Common Looper Moth
Syngrapha altera - 8925
Syngrapha altera - 8925
Syngrapha altera - 8925
Syngrapha altera - 8925
Syngrapha epigaea - 8927 - Epigaea Looper Moth
Syngrapha epigaea - 8927 - Epigaea Looper Moth
Syngrapha orophila - 8930  - Syngrapha orophila - view 1
Syngrapha orophila - 8930 - Syngrapha orophila - view 1
Syngrapha orophila - 8930  - Syngrapha orophila - view 2
Syngrapha orophila - 8930 - Syngrapha orophila - view 2
Syngrapha alias - 8939 - Hooked Silver Y
Syngrapha alias - 8939 - Hooked Silver Y
Syngrapha abstrusa - 8940 - Syngrapha abstrusa
Syngrapha abstrusa - 8940 - Syngrapha abstrusa
Syngrapha abstrusa - 8940 - Syngrapha abstrusa
Syngrapha abstrusa - 8940 - Syngrapha abstrusa
Salt-and-Pepper Looper - 8942 - Syngrapha rectangula
Salt-and-Pepper Looper - 8942 - Syngrapha rectangula
Salt-and-Pepper Looper - 8942 - Syngrapha rectangula
Salt-and-Pepper Looper - 8942 - Syngrapha rectangula
Plusia putnami - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Plusia putnami - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Plusia putnami  - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Plusia putnami - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Plusia putnami - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Plusia putnami - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Plusia putnami - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Plusia putnami - 8950 - Putnam's Looper
Eyed Paectes - 8957 - Paectes oculatrix
Eyed Paectes - 8957 - Paectes oculatrix
Baileya doubledayi – 8969 - Doubleday's Baileya
Baileya doubledayi – 8969 - Doubleday's Baileya
Doubleday's Baileya Moth - 8969 - Baileya doubledayi
Doubleday's Baileya Moth - 8969 - Baileya doubledayi
Baileya doubledayi – 8969 - Doubleday's Baileya
Baileya doubledayi – 8969 - Doubleday's Baileya
Protodeltote muscosula – 9047 – Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth
Protodeltote muscosula – 9047 – Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth
Protodeltote muscosula – 9047 – Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth
Protodeltote muscosula – 9047 – Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth
Protodeltote muscosula – 9047 – Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth
Protodeltote muscosula – 9047 – Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth
Maliattha synochitis- 9049 - Black-dotted Maliattha
Maliattha synochitis- 9049 - Black-dotted Maliattha
Maliattha synochitis- 9049 - Black-dotted Maliattha
Maliattha synochitis- 9049 - Black-dotted Maliattha
Maliattha synochitis-9049 - Maliattha synochitis
Maliattha synochitis-9049 - Maliattha synochitis
Pseudeustrotia carneola - 9053 - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Pseudeustrotia carneola - 9053 - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Pseudeustrotia carneola - 9053 - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Pseudeustrotia carneola - 9053 - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Pseudeustrotia carneola - 9053 - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Pseudeustrotia carneola - 9053 - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth - view 1
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth - view 1
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth - view 1
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth - view 1
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth
Homophoberia apicosa - 9057 - Black Wedge-spot Moth
Capis curvata - 9059
Capis curvata - 9059
Cerma cora - 9061 - Owl-eyed Bird-dropping Moth
Cerma cora - 9061 - Owl-eyed Bird-dropping Moth
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - (?) - if so, it is a very pallid, ivory individual - perhaps worn
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - (?) - if so, it is a very pallid, ivory individual - perhaps worn
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides - 9065 - Green Leuconycta
Ponometia erastrioides - 9095 - Small Bird Dropping Moth
Ponometia erastrioides - 9095 - Small Bird Dropping Moth
Panthea acronyctoides - 9177 - Black Zigzag
Panthea acronyctoides - 9177 - Black Zigzag
Panthea acronyctoides - 9177 - Black Zigzag
Panthea acronyctoides - 9177 - Black Zigzag
Panthea furcilla - 9182 - Eastern Panthea
Panthea furcilla - 9182 - Eastern Panthea
Panthea furcilla - 9182 - Eastern Panthea Moth
Panthea furcilla - 9182 - Eastern Panthea Moth
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Raphia frater - 9193 - The Brother
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger Moth - view 1
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger Moth - view 1
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger Moth - view 2
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger Moth - view 2
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger
Acronicta americana - 9200 - American Dagger
Acronicta dactylina - 9203 - Fingered Dagger Moth
Acronicta dactylina - 9203 - Fingered Dagger Moth
Acronicta dactylina - 9203 - Fingered Dagger Moth
Acronicta dactylina - 9203 - Fingered Dagger Moth
Acronicta vulpina - 9206 - Miller Dagger
Acronicta vulpina - 9206 - Miller Dagger
Acronicta innotata - 9207 - Unmarked Dagger
Acronicta innotata - 9207 - Unmarked Dagger
Acronicta funeralis - 9221 - Funerary Dagger
Acronicta funeralis - 9221 - Funerary Dagger
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth - view 1
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth - view 1
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth - view 2
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth - view 2
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth - view 1
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth - view 1
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger Moth
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger
Acronicta superans - 9226 - Splendid Dagger
Acronicta laetifica - 9227 - Pleasant Dagger Moth
Acronicta laetifica - 9227 - Pleasant Dagger Moth
Acronicta laetifica - 9227 - Pleasant Dagger
Acronicta laetifica - 9227 - Pleasant Dagger
Acronicta hasta - 9229 - Speared Acronicta or Cherry Acronicta
Acronicta hasta - 9229 - Speared Acronicta or Cherry Acronicta
Acronicta hasta - 9229 - Speared Dagger
Acronicta hasta - 9229 - Speared Dagger
Acronicta morula - 9236 - Ochre Dagger
Acronicta morula - 9236 - Ochre Dagger
Acronicta interrupta -  9237 - Interrupted Dagger
Acronicta interrupta - 9237 - Interrupted Dagger
Acronicta lobeliae - 9238 -  Greater Oak Dagger
Acronicta lobeliae - 9238 - Greater Oak Dagger
Acronicta increta - 9249 - Raspberry Bud Dagger
Acronicta increta - 9249 - Raspberry Bud Dagger
Acronicta increta - 9249 - Eclipsed Oak Dagger
Acronicta increta - 9249 - Eclipsed Oak Dagger
Acronicta retardata - 9251 - Retarded Dagger Moth
Acronicta retardata - 9251 - Retarded Dagger Moth
Acronicta noctivaga - 9259 - Night-wandering Dagger
Acronicta noctivaga - 9259 - Night-wandering Dagger
Simyra insularis - 9280 - Cattail Caterpillar Moth
Simyra insularis - 9280 - Cattail Caterpillar Moth
Acronicta fallax - 9281 - Green Marvel
Acronicta fallax - 9281 - Green Marvel
Harrisimemna trisignata - 9286 - Harris's Three Spot
Harrisimemna trisignata - 9286 - Harris's Three Spot
Harrisimemna trisignata - 9286 - Harris's Three Spot
Harrisimemna trisignata - 9286 - Harris's Three Spot
Harrisimemna trisignata - 9286 - Harris's Three-spot
Harrisimemna trisignata - 9286 - Harris's Three-spot
Apamea amputatrix - 9348 - Yellowheaded Cutworm
Apamea amputatrix - 9348 - Yellowheaded Cutworm
Apamea amputatrix - 9348 - Yellowheaded Cutworm
Apamea amputatrix - 9348 - Yellowheaded Cutworm
Apamea dubitans – 9367 - Doubtful Apamea Moth
Apamea dubitans – 9367 - Doubtful Apamea Moth
Lateroligia ophiogramma - 9385.1
Lateroligia ophiogramma - 9385.1
Lateroligia ophiogramma - 9385.1 (worn)
Lateroligia ophiogramma - 9385.1 (worn)
Fishia illocata - 9420 - Wandering Brocade moth
Fishia illocata - 9420 - Wandering Brocade moth
Fishia illocata - 9420 - Wandering Brocade moth
Fishia illocata - 9420 - Wandering Brocade moth
Amphipoea-americana - 9457 - American Ear Moth
Amphipoea-americana - 9457 - American Ear Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Phlogophora iris - 9546 - Olive Angle Shades Moth
Chytonix palliatricula - 9556 -Cloaked Marvel
Chytonix palliatricula - 9556 -Cloaked Marvel
Hyppa xylinoides - 9578 - Common Hyppa
Hyppa xylinoides - 9578 - Common Hyppa
Callopistria mollissima - 9631 - Pink-shaded Fern Moth
Callopistria mollissima - 9631 - Pink-shaded Fern Moth
Callopistria mollissima - 9631 - Pink-shaded Fern Moth
Callopistria mollissima - 9631 - Pink-shaded Fern Moth
Callopistria cordata - 9633 - Silver-Spotted Fern Moth
Callopistria cordata - 9633 - Silver-Spotted Fern Moth
Callopistria cordata - 9633 - Silver-Spotted Fern Moth - view 2
Callopistria cordata - 9633 - Silver-Spotted Fern Moth - view 2
Balsa malana - 9662 - Many-dotted Appleworm moth
Balsa malana - 9662 - Many-dotted Appleworm moth
Balsa malana - 9662 - Many-dotted Appleworm moth
Balsa malana - 9662 - Many-dotted Appleworm moth
Balsa tristrigella - 9663 - Three-lined Balsa
Balsa tristrigella - 9663 - Three-lined Balsa
Balsa tristrigella - 9663 - Three-lined Balsa
Balsa tristrigella - 9663 - Three-lined Balsa
Balsa tristrigella - 9663 - Three-lined Balsa
Balsa tristrigella - 9663 - Three-lined Balsa
Elaphria versicolor - 9678 - Variegated Midget
Elaphria versicolor - 9678 - Variegated Midget
Elaphria georgei - 9680 - George's Midget
Elaphria georgei - 9680 - George's Midget
Feralia major (?) - 10007 - Major Sallow
Feralia major (?) - 10007 - Major Sallow
Feralia comstocki - 10008 - Comstock's Sallow
Feralia comstocki - 10008 - Comstock's Sallow
Feralia comstocki - 10008 - Comstock's Sallow
Feralia comstocki - 10008 - Comstock's Sallow
Cucullia convexipennis - 10202 - Brown Hooded Owlet
Cucullia convexipennis - 10202 - Brown Hooded Owlet
Polia imbrifera (?) - 10276 - Cloudy Arches Moth - view 1
Polia imbrifera (?) - 10276 - Cloudy Arches Moth - view 1
Polia imbrifera (?) - 10276 - Cloudy Arches Moth - view 2
Polia imbrifera (?) - 10276 - Cloudy Arches Moth - view 2
Polia imbrifera - 10276 - Cloudy Arches
Polia imbrifera - 10276 - Cloudy Arches
Calophasia lunula - 10177 - Toadflax Brocade Moth
Calophasia lunula - 10177 - Toadflax Brocade Moth
Orthodes goodelli - 10289 -
Orthodes goodelli - 10289 -
Morrisonia latex - 10291 -Fluid Arches moth- view 1
Morrisonia latex - 10291 -Fluid Arches moth- view 1
Morrisonia latex - 10291 -Fluid Arches moth - view 2
Morrisonia latex - 10291 -Fluid Arches moth - view 2
Melanchra adjuncta - 10292 - Hitched arches
Melanchra adjuncta - 10292 - Hitched arches
Melanchra adjuncta - 10292 - Hitched arches
Melanchra adjuncta - 10292 - Hitched arches
Melanchra adjuncta - 10292 - Hitched Arches
Melanchra adjuncta - 10292 - Hitched Arches
Lacanobia nevadae - 10296 - Nevada Arches Moth
Lacanobia nevadae - 10296 - Nevada Arches Moth
Lacanobia atlantica - 10297 - Atlantic Arches
Lacanobia atlantica - 10297 - Atlantic Arches
Spiramater lutra (?) – 10301 - Otter Spiramater
Spiramater lutra (?) – 10301 - Otter Spiramater
Lacinipolia renigera - 10397 - Bristly Cutworm Moth
Lacinipolia renigera - 10397 - Bristly Cutworm Moth
Lacinipolia renigera - 10397 - Bristly Cutworm Moth
Lacinipolia renigera - 10397 - Bristly Cutworm Moth
Lacinipolia renigera - 10397 - Bristly Cutworm Moth
Lacinipolia renigera - 10397 - Bristly Cutworm Moth
Lacinipolia lorea - 10405 - Bridled Arches
Lacinipolia lorea - 10405 - Bridled Arches
Lacinipolia lorea - 10405 - Bridled Arches
Lacinipolia lorea - 10405 - Bridled Arches
Dargida diffusa - 10431 - Wheat Head Armyworm Moth
Dargida diffusa - 10431 - Wheat Head Armyworm Moth
Mythimna unipuncta - 10438 - Armyworm
Mythimna unipuncta - 10438 - Armyworm
Leucania pseudargyria - 10462 - False Wainscot
Leucania pseudargyria - 10462 - False Wainscot
Leucania pseudargyria (?) - 10462 - False Wainscot (?)
Leucania pseudargyria (?) - 10462 - False Wainscot (?)
Leucania pseudargyria - 10462 - False Wainscot Moth
Leucania pseudargyria - 10462 - False Wainscot Moth
Leucania pseudargyria - 10462 - False Wainscot Moth
Leucania pseudargyria - 10462 - False Wainscot Moth
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker - worn specimen
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker - worn specimen
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker - worn specimen
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker - worn specimen
Tricholita signata - 10627 - Signate Quaker
Tricholita signata - 10627 - Signate Quaker
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shouldered Dart
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shouldered Dart
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shouldered Dart
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shouldered Dart
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shoulder
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shoulder
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shouldered Dart
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shouldered Dart
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shoulder
Ochropleura implecta - 10891 - Flame-shoulder
Xestia dolosa - 10942.1 - Black-letter Dart Moth
Xestia dolosa - 10942.1 - Black-letter Dart Moth
Xestia dolosa - 10942.1 - Black-letter Dart Moth
Xestia dolosa - 10942.1 - Black-letter Dart Moth
Pseudohermonassa bicarnea - 10950 - Pink-spotted Dart Moth
Pseudohermonassa bicarnea - 10950 - Pink-spotted Dart Moth
Anaplectoides prasina - 11000 - Green Arches
Anaplectoides prasina - 11000 - Green Arches
Noctua pronuba - 11003.1 - Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba - 11003.1 - Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba - 11003.1 Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba - 11003.1 Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba - 11003.1 Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba - 11003.1 Large Yellow Underwing
Schinia florida - 11164 - Evening Primrose Moth
Schinia florida - 11164 - Evening Primrose Moth
Schinia florida - 11164 - Evening Primrose Moth
Schinia florida - 11164 - Evening Primrose Moth
dog tick
dog tick
small Crane fly that came to the light
small Crane fly that came to the light
Metarranthis indeclinata moth with a Perlidae species (?) stonefly
Metarranthis indeclinata moth with a Perlidae species (?) stonefly
Perlidae species (?) - Stonefly
Perlidae species (?) - Stonefly
Nicrophorus orbicollis with Poecilochirus (?) mites - view 1
Nicrophorus orbicollis with Poecilochirus (?) mites - view 1
Nicrophorus orbicollis with Poecilochirus (?) mites - view 2
Nicrophorus orbicollis with Poecilochirus (?) mites - view 2
Nicrophorus orbicollis with Poecilochirus (?) mites - view 3
Nicrophorus orbicollis with Poecilochirus (?) mites - view 3
Herpetogramma pertextalis - 5275 - Bold-feathered Grass Moth
Herpetogramma pertextalis - 5275 - Bold-feathered Grass Moth
Stonefly with ichneumon on its back
Stonefly with ichneumon on its back
Cucullia (species?) - Hooded Owlet (which species?)
Cucullia (species?) - Hooded Owlet (which species?)
Cucullia (species?) - Hooded Owlet (which species?)
Cucullia (species?) - Hooded Owlet (which species?)
Idia rotundalis (?) - 8326
Idia rotundalis (?) - 8326
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Orthodes cynica - 10587 - Cynical Quaker
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Eufidonia discospilata - 6639 - Sharp-lined Powder Moth
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 -Tufted Thyatirid
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - 6237 -Tufted Thyatirid