Bus arrives at Richmond Conservation Area |
 Richmond Cons. Area lagoon - large panorama |
 Richmond Cons. Area lagoon - small panorama |
 Birdhouse near lagoon |
 Euclidia cuspidea - Toothed Somberwing Moth (Hodges 8731) |
 Misumena vatia - Flower Crab Spiders |
 Rana pipiens - Northern Leopard Frog - view 1 |
 Rana pipiens - Northern Leopard Frog - view 2 |
 Amphion floridensis - Nessus Sphinx moth (Hodges 7873) - top view |
 Amphion floridensis - Nessus Sphinx moth (Hodges 7873) - underside |
 Rana sylvatica - Wood Frog - view 1 |
 Rana sylvatica - Wood Frog - view 2 |
 Glaucopsyche lygdamus couperi - Silvery Blue (butterfly) |
 Viviparus georgianus - Banded Mystery Snail |
 Stratiomys sp. (possibly S. adelpha or S. discalis - Soldier Fly - view 1 |
 Stratiomys sp. (possibly S. adelpha or S. discalis - Soldier Fly - view 2 |
 Bufo americanus - American Toad - view 1 |
 Bufo americanus - American Toad - view 2 |
 Polites mystic (?) - Long Dash Skipper (?) |
 Cisseps fulvicollis - Yellow-collared Scape Moth - (Hodges 8267) |
 Chironomid sp. -- Midge |
 Greenbottle Blow Fly (Lucilia sp?) |
 Harmonia axyridis - Asian Lady Beetle |
 Habronattus decorus - jumping spider - view 1 |
 Habronattus decorus - jumping spider - view 2 |
 Habronattus decorus - jumping spider - view 3 |
 Habronattus decorus - jumping spider - view 4 - underside |
 Tetragnatha sp. --Long-jawed Orbweaver - unidentified species - view 1 |
 Tetragnatha sp. --Long-jawed Orbweaver - unidentified species - view 2 |
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 Ants with colony in knot of decaying piece of wood |
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 Cornus sericea - Red-osier Dogwood |
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 Crataegus sp. - Hawthorn |
 Lonicera tatarica - Tatarian honeysuckle |
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 Strophitus undulatus (top) and Lampsilis radiata (bottom) |
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