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Bev Wigney | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dragonflies > Common Whitetail -- female
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Common Whitetail -- female

Libellula lydia

along look-out trail at Foley Mountain Conservation area

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Noel Moore 11-Jun-2004 14:16
I am a retired documentary film maker currently producing a video for distribution on videodiosc and webcasting. I have been recording changes in the local environment on a weekly basis following the directions of the Yellow Emperor in the Nei Ching. I find your pictures of insects and other wildlife beautiful and fascinating and would like to make arrangement with you, perhaps a strategic alliance to share pictures with you. I have hundreds of still digital pix of local plants,trees etc., and will be happy to send you some examples and a copy of by CV if you wish to pursure this farther.

Noel Moore