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Blogger BioBlitz - Day Two - Purdon Bog & Baird Woods

These photos were taken on Day Two of the Blogger BioBlitz week of April 21 to 28, 2007.
All photos were taken on April 22, 2007 at two location in the Lanark Highlands in eastern Ontario.
Baird Woods is an area of natural and plantation forests, and Purdon Bog is an area of bog
maintained for the Showy Lady Slipper orchid. There is a forest trail and a small lake nearby.

Chrysemys picta -- Painted Turtle
Chrysemys picta -- Painted Turtle
Sarracenia purpurea - Pitcher plants - view 1
Sarracenia purpurea - Pitcher plants - view 1
Sarracenia purpurea - Pitcher plants - view 2
Sarracenia purpurea - Pitcher plants - view 2
Sarracenia purpurea - Pitcher plant with spider living inside
Sarracenia purpurea - Pitcher plant with spider living inside
Waldsteinia fragarioides - Barrenland strawberry
Waldsteinia fragarioides - Barrenland strawberry
Huperzia lucidula - Shining Club Moss
Huperzia lucidula - Shining Club Moss
Sphaghum Moss
Sphaghum Moss
Purdon Bog - small lake adjacent to bog
Purdon Bog - small lake adjacent to bog
Betula papyrifera - Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera - Paper Birch
Abies balsamea - Balsam fir
Abies balsamea - Balsam fir
Pinus strobus - White Pine
Pinus strobus - White Pine
Equisetum scirpoides - Dwarf Scouring Rush
Equisetum scirpoides - Dwarf Scouring Rush
Eastern White Cedar - Thuja occidentalis
Eastern White Cedar - Thuja occidentalis
Betula populifolia - Grey Birch
Betula populifolia - Grey Birch
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus - Red Squirrel
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus - Red Squirrel
Hedwigia ciliata (?) -- Ciliate Hedwigia Moss (?)
Hedwigia ciliata (?) -- Ciliate Hedwigia Moss (?)
Diphasiastrum digitatum - Southern Ground Cedar
Diphasiastrum digitatum - Southern Ground Cedar
Ramalina dilacerata (?)
Ramalina dilacerata (?)
Flavoparmelia caperata (?) - Common Greenshield Lichen
Flavoparmelia caperata (?) - Common Greenshield Lichen
Rock lichen - not ID'd yet
Rock lichen - not ID'd yet
Pinus resinosa - Red Pine plantation
Pinus resinosa - Red Pine plantation
Pyrrharctia isabella - Woolly Bear caterpillar
Pyrrharctia isabella - Woolly Bear caterpillar
Don & Sabrina taking GPS reading at Baird Woods
Don & Sabrina taking GPS reading at Baird Woods
Leucobryum glaucum - Pin Cushion Moss growing on red pine stump
Leucobryum glaucum - Pin Cushion Moss growing on red pine stump
Ground beetle - not ID'd
Ground beetle - not ID'd
Thuja occidentalis - Eastern White Cedar
Thuja occidentalis - Eastern White Cedar
Don and Sabrina on Baird Woods wetland boardwalk
Don and Sabrina on Baird Woods wetland boardwalk
Baird Woods wetland
Baird Woods wetland
Rana sylvatica eggs (?) - Wood Frog eggs (?)
Rana sylvatica eggs (?) - Wood Frog eggs (?)
Zanthoxylum americanum - Prickly Ash
Zanthoxylum americanum - Prickly Ash
Verbascum thapsus - Common Mullein
Verbascum thapsus - Common Mullein
Acanthomyops (?) - Yellow Ants with larvae - view 1
Acanthomyops (?) - Yellow Ants with larvae - view 1
Acanthomyops (?) - Yellow Ants with larvae - view 2
Acanthomyops (?) - Yellow Ants with larvae - view 2
Acanthomyops (?) - Yellow Ants with larvae - view 3
Acanthomyops (?) - Yellow Ants with larvae - view 3
Wolf Spider - not yet ID'd
Wolf Spider - not yet ID'd
Acer saccharum - Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum - Sugar Maple
Picea glauca - White spruce
Picea glauca - White spruce
Piptoporus betulinus - Birch Polypore
Piptoporus betulinus - Birch Polypore
Cladina rangiferina - Reindeer lichen
Cladina rangiferina - Reindeer lichen
Carya cordiformis - Bitternut Hickory
Carya cordiformis - Bitternut Hickory
Fagus grandifolia - American Beech
Fagus grandifolia - American Beech
Ganoderma applanatum - Artist's Conk
Ganoderma applanatum - Artist's Conk
Erethizon dorsatum den - Porcupine den
Erethizon dorsatum den - Porcupine den
Sarcoscypha austriaca - Scarlet cup fungi
Sarcoscypha austriaca - Scarlet cup fungi
Prunus serotina - Black cherry
Prunus serotina - Black cherry
Erythronium americanum - Trout lily
Erythronium americanum - Trout lily