Blister Beetle -- Meloidae -- Epicauta fabricii (?) |
 Blister Beetle -- Meloidae -- Epicauta fabricii (?) |
 Blister Beetle -- Meloidae -- Epicauta fabricii (?) |
 Pennsylvania leather-wing -- view 1 |
 Pennsylvania leather-wing -- view 1 |
 Carrion beetles, family Silphidae. |
 Osmoderma sp. scarab beetle that fell out of a Hemlock tree |
 Banded Longhorn Beetle -- Typocerus velutinus |
 Stink Bug with Milkweed Beetle larva -- no I.D. for instar bug -- possibly a Brochymena species(?) |
 Golden Loosestrife Beetle |
 Rose chafer -- Macrodactylus subspinosus, family Scarabaeidae. |
 Rose chafers -- Macrodactylus subspinosus -- family Scarabaeidae. |
 Polydrusus impressifrons |
 Polydrusus impressifrons ? |
 Chrysochus auratus -- Dogbane Leaf Beetle |
 Chrysochus auratus (?) -- Dogbane Leaf Beetle |
 leaf beetles of the genus Donacia -- a subfamily of Chrysomelidae |
 leaf beetles of the genus Donacia -- a subfamilyy of Chrysomelidae |
 Golden loosestrife beetle (Galerucella) on damaged leaf |
 Meloe (angusticollis ?) - male - 1 |
 Meloe (angusticollis ?) - male - 2 |
 Meloe (angusticollis ?) - female - 1 |
 Meloe (angusticollis ?) - female - 2 |
 Labidomera clivicollis larva on milkweed leaf |
 solidago-beetle-2.jpg |
 Banded Longhorn beetle --Typocerus velutinus |
 Blister beetle (Meloidae -- Epicauta sp.) on Mullein leaf |
 Milkweed weevil -- Rhyssomatus lineaticollis (?) |
 Milkweed weevil -- Rhyssomatus lineaticollis (?) |
 Trichodes sp. -- Checkered Beetle -- view 1 |
 Trichodes sp. -- Checkered Beetle -- view 2 |
 Firefly on Milkweed flower |
 Firefly on Milkweed flower |
 Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetles -- mating |
 Golden Loosestrife Beetle with leaf damage |
 leaf beetle - no ID - Chrysomelidae? |
 Clytus ruricola -- view 1 |
 Clytus ruricola view 2 |
 Clytus ruricola -- view 3 |
 Eastern Milkweed Longhorn Beetle - 1 |