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Cristian Jensen | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Best Birding Sites in Spain - Wildlife Photography >> Birdwatching in Doñana tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birdwatching in Doñana

Audouin Birding Tours birdwatching in Spain

Audouin Birding Tours - Birdwatching in Spain - Local trips in the Ebro Delta and Ports -

Status: National Park and IBA, 50270ha. The surrounding areas comprise a buffer zone, Parque Natural del Entorno de Doñana, of a further 56930ha.

The survival of this area as a natural wilderness owes a great deal to its history as a hunting preserve, or Coto, of the dukes of Medina Sidonia. One of the dukes married a Doña Ana, and it is after her that the region is still called the Coto de Doña Ana; Doñana for short. The Dukes played host to hunting parties of the kings of Spain for over 300 years. These were grand outings, with the royal parties accompanied by large retinues of courtiers and camp followers. As many as 12,000 people assembled for the visit by Felipe IV in spring 1624, enough, one would imagine, to have scared off the game for miles around! Such hunting spectaculars were rare events and did nothing to detract from the importance as a refuge for wildlife. Today that importance has been recognised and Doñana is one of the few mainland national parks of Spain.

The “Wild West” town of el Rocío, with its white buildings and church, which houses the famous “Madonna of the Marshes”, makes an amazing backdrop to the marismas. Here we are likely to encounter horsemen cantering through the wide sand streets or a mule and cart tied up to the hitching rails outside the houses.
We begin our exploration of the marshes, dunes and woodlands encompassed by the Coto de Doñana. The Marshes by el Rocío, and the varied habitats of el Rocina, teem with birds – Spoonbills, herons and egrets fly over the reed beds and the Marsh Harrier teeter on up-turned wings, looking for ducklings to feed to their growing young. In shallow water, Greater flamingo and White Stork feed, surrounded by passage waders, many of which will be in their summer breeding dress. Whiskered Terns hawk over open water, swooping down to the surface to pick off a small insect or tiny fish, and Reed Warblers reel from great swards of juncus rush. In the more wooded areas, Serin and Nightingale seem never to stop singing and Bee-eaters glide overhead, uttering their liquid evocative calls.

Acebuche Centre overlooks another area of marsh, where Purple Gallinule can often be seen and Little Bittern occasionally take a brief flight across to another patch of reeds.

SLIDESHOW Birdwatching Doñana, Odiel, Palos, and more

Birding trip reports can be seen HERE

If you want to birdwatch in Andalucia CLICK HERE

If you want to see pictures from birds been ringed in Doñana Nature Park CLICK HERE This banding programe was done in Brazo de la Torre.

If you want to see pictures from the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) CLICK HERE

PASE DE FOTOS AUTOMATICO de los paisajes de Doñana, Odiel, Palos, y mucho mas

Para ir de pajareo en Andalucia ponte en contacto con la gente de este link CLICA AQUI

Si quieres ver fotos de aves anilladas en Doñana CLICA AQUI Esta campaña de anillamiento de aves se desarolló en el Brazo de la Torre (Isla Mayor).
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Birding in el Rocio
Birding in el Rocio
Curlew sandpipers in flight
Curlew sandpipers in flight
Two Sanderlings (bottom) and four Curlew Sandpipers
Two Sanderlings (bottom) and four Curlew Sandpipers
Curlews sandpipers in different plumages
Curlews sandpipers in different plumages
White storks in dehesa de abajo
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White storks in dehesa de abajo landing on the nest
White storks in dehesa de abajo landing on the nest
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White storks displaying at the nest
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White stork displaying at the nest
White stork displaying at the nest
White stork displaying at the nest
White stork displaying at the nest
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Little Greebe and chicks on the back - Zampullí con los pollitos en la espalda
Little Greebe and chicks on the back - Zampullí con los pollitos en la espalda
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Female Mallard - Hembra de Anade Real - Femella d'anec collverd
Female Mallard - Hembra de Anade Real - Femella d'anec collverd
Black necked greebes - Zampullín cuellinegro - Cabussó coll-negre
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Squacco Heron - Ardeola Rolloides - Garcilla cangrejera - Martinet Ros
Squacco Heron - Ardeola Rolloides - Garcilla cangrejera - Martinet Ros
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Dehesa de abajo full of water - La laguna de la Dehesa de Abajo en Doñana llena de agua
Dehesa de abajo full of water - La laguna de la Dehesa de Abajo en Doñana llena de agua
Cattle egret in the flowered spring in Doñana - Esplugabous
Cattle egret in the flowered spring in Doñana - Esplugabous
Cattle egret and a cow in the flowered spring in Doñana - Garcilla bueyera
Cattle egret and a cow in the flowered spring in Doñana - Garcilla bueyera
Doñana National Park
Doñana National Park
Spanish Imperial Eagle - Aquila adalbertii - Aguila Imperial iberica - Àguila Imperial Ibèrica
Spanish Imperial Eagle - Aquila adalbertii - Aguila Imperial iberica - Àguila Imperial Ibèrica
Bee-eater - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco - Abellarol
Bee-eater - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco - Abellarol
Spanish Imperial Eagle - Aquila adalbertii - Aguila Imperial iberica - Àguila Imperial Ibèrica
Spanish Imperial Eagle - Aquila adalbertii - Aguila Imperial iberica - Àguila Imperial Ibèrica
Pintail sandgrouse  - Pterocles alchata - Ganga común
Pintail sandgrouse - Pterocles alchata - Ganga común
Birding in Huelva province
Birding in Huelva province
Red-legged Partridge
Red-legged Partridge
Booted Eagle - Hieraaetus pennatus - Aguililla calzada - Àguila calçada
Booted Eagle - Hieraaetus pennatus - Aguililla calzada - Àguila calçada
Iberian Lynx in Doñana
Iberian Lynx in Doñana
Collared pratincole - Glareola pratincola - Canastera - Perdiu de Mar
Collared pratincole - Glareola pratincola - Canastera - Perdiu de Mar
Trip to Doñana National Park - Excursión al Parque Nacional de Doñana
Trip to Doñana National Park - Excursión al Parque Nacional de Doñana
Bird watching in the Lagoone Primera de Palos - Observando aves en la Laguna primera de Palos
Bird watching in the Lagoone Primera de Palos - Observando aves en la Laguna primera de Palos
Purple heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Purple heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Red-Necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras Pardo - Siboc
Red-Necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras Pardo - Siboc
Spotless Starling - Sturnus unicolor - Estornino negro - Estornell negre
Spotless Starling - Sturnus unicolor - Estornino negro - Estornell negre
Glosy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus - Morito - Capó Reial
Glosy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus - Morito - Capó Reial
Glosy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus - Morito - Capó Reial
Glosy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus - Morito - Capó Reial
Thekla Lark - Galerida teklae - Cogujada montesina - Cogullada fosca
Thekla Lark - Galerida teklae - Cogujada montesina - Cogullada fosca
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