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Cristian Jensen | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Best Birding Sites in Spain - Wildlife Photography >> Birdwatching in Extremadura - Monfragüe and other birding places >> Birding in Extremadura and Doñana: Birdwatching Tour in spring 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birding in Extremadura and Doñana: Birdwatching Tour in spring 2010

Audouin Birding Tours birdwatching in Spain

Audouin Birding Tours - Birdwatching in Spain - Extremadura, Andalucia, Aragon and Catalonia -

Extremadura has amazing landscapes with "mega-birds". The local cousine is very good, and good hotels are found in the most remote villages. And together with Doñana gives one the best tours that Europe can offer.
In this gallery you can find pictures from Extremadura, including Monfragüe National Park, Arrocampo Reservoir, Serena, and Belen Steppes or Plains. Also photos from Doñana Nature and National Park and Trujillo. The pictures are taken in our birding tours in Extremadura and Doñana.

If you want more information about the Monfragüe Nature Park you can click HERE

The trip reports can be seen here: Extremadura Bird Watching Trip Reports

SLIDESHOW Extremadura nature

Aquí podrás encontrar fotografías de Extremadura y su naturaleza. Mas info para visitar Extremadura y ver su naturaleza mas salvaje CLICA AQUI

Pase de diapositivas sobre la naturaleza de Extremadura
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Cattle egret and a cow in the flowered spring in Doñana - Garcilla bueyera
Cattle egret and a cow in the flowered spring in Doñana - Garcilla bueyera
Cattle egret in the flowered spring in Doñana - Esplugabous
Cattle egret in the flowered spring in Doñana - Esplugabous
Dehesa de abajo full of water - La laguna de la Dehesa de Abajo en Doñana llena de agua
Dehesa de abajo full of water - La laguna de la Dehesa de Abajo en Doñana llena de agua
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea - Garza Imperial - Agró Roig
Squacco Heron - Ardeola Rolloides - Garcilla cangrejera - Martinet Ros
Squacco Heron - Ardeola Rolloides - Garcilla cangrejera - Martinet Ros
Black necked greebe with its prey - Zampullín cuellinegro - Cabussó coll-negre
Black necked greebe with its prey - Zampullín cuellinegro - Cabussó coll-negre
Black necked greebes - Zampullín cuellinegro - Cabussó coll-negre
Black necked greebes - Zampullín cuellinegro - Cabussó coll-negre
Female Mallard - Hembra de Anade Real - Femella d'anec collverd
Female Mallard - Hembra de Anade Real - Femella d'anec collverd
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Little Greebe and chicks on the back - Zampullí con los pollitos en la espalda
Little Greebe and chicks on the back - Zampullí con los pollitos en la espalda
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
Short toed snake eagle - Circaetus gallicus - Aguila culebrera - Àguila Marcenca
White stork in the flowered spring in doñana
White stork in the flowered spring in doñana
White stork displaying at the nest
White stork displaying at the nest
White stork displaying at the nest
White stork displaying at the nest
White storks displaying at the nest
White storks displaying at the nest
White storks displaying in the
White storks displaying in the
White storks in dehesa de abajo landing on the nest
White storks in dehesa de abajo landing on the nest
White storks in dehesa de abajo
White storks in dehesa de abajo
White storks at the nest
White storks at the nest
Roller - Coracias garrulus - Carraca - Gaig Blau
Roller - Coracias garrulus - Carraca - Gaig Blau
Curlews sandpipers in different plumages
Curlews sandpipers in different plumages
Two Sanderlings (bottom) and four Curlew Sandpipers
Two Sanderlings (bottom) and four Curlew Sandpipers
Curlew sandpipers in flight
Curlew sandpipers in flight
Birding in el Rocio
Birding in el Rocio
Church in el Rocio
Church in el Rocio
Flamingo in a private moment
Flamingo in a private moment
Flamingos in flight
Flamingos in flight
House martin - Delichon urbica - Avión común - Oreneta cuablanca
House martin - Delichon urbica - Avión común - Oreneta cuablanca
House martin - Delichon urbica - Avión común - Oreneta cuablanca
House martin - Delichon urbica - Avión común - Oreneta cuablanca
little stint - Caldris minuta - Correlimos menudo - Territ menut
little stint - Caldris minuta - Correlimos menudo - Territ menut
Little Tern - Sterna albifrons - Charrancito - Xatrac menut
Little Tern - Sterna albifrons - Charrancito - Xatrac menut
Little Tern - Sterna albifrons - Charrancito - Xatrac menut
Little Tern - Sterna albifrons - Charrancito - Xatrac menut
Little Tern - Sterna albifrons - Charrancito - Xatrac menut
Little Tern - Sterna albifrons - Charrancito - Xatrac menut
Nelson in a beutifoul sunrise of el Rocio
Nelson in a beutifoul sunrise of el Rocio
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Sanderling - Calidris alba - Correlimos tridactilo - Territ tresdits
Slender billed gull - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull first summer - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull first summer - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed gull in flight - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gull under the rain - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gull under the rain - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gull - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gull - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls mating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls mating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance and copulating - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Slender billed Gulls doing the nuptial dance - Larus genei - Gaviota picofina - Gavina capblanca
Turnstone and sanderling
Turnstone and sanderling
Flowers in Andalucia
Flowers in Andalucia
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
The church in el Rocio at Sunrise with the marsh
The church in el Rocio at Sunrise with the marsh
The church in el Rocio at Sunrise with the marsh
The church in el Rocio at Sunrise with the marsh
Nelson in el Rocío - Doñana National Parc
Nelson in el Rocío - Doñana National Parc
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Adult Female Montagus Harrier Dark morph - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo fase oscura - Esparver cendrós
Adult Female Montagus Harrier Dark morph - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo fase oscura - Esparver cendrós
Cornbunting - Miliaria Calandra - Triguero - Cruixidell
Cornbunting - Miliaria Calandra - Triguero - Cruixidell
Pair of Montagus Harriers displaying - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo - Esparver cendrós
Pair of Montagus Harriers displaying - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo - Esparver cendrós
Ault male Montagus Harrier - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo - Esparver cendrós
Ault male Montagus Harrier - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo - Esparver cendrós
Black stork in the flowered Serena Steppes - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Black stork in the flowered Serena Steppes - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Crested Lark on the granitic formations of Serena Steppes - Galerida cristata - Cogujada Vulgar encima de los dientes de perro
Crested Lark on the granitic formations of Serena Steppes - Galerida cristata - Cogujada Vulgar encima de los dientes de perro
Plowering with a mule
Plowering with a mule
Details from one of the buildings in Trujillo - Extremadura
Details from one of the buildings in Trujillo - Extremadura
Details from one of the buildings in Trujillo - Extremadura
Details from one of the buildings in Trujillo - Extremadura
Escudo de armas in Trujillo
Escudo de armas in Trujillo
Gargolas in Trujillo and a white stork nest
Gargolas in Trujillo and a white stork nest
Gargolas in Trujillo
Gargolas in Trujillo
Honey bee on Ranunculus aquaticus
Honey bee on Ranunculus aquaticus
Close up - Honey bee on Ranunculus aquaticus
Close up - Honey bee on Ranunculus aquaticus
Honey bee on Ranunculus aquaticus
Honey bee on Ranunculus aquaticus
Jackdow - Corvus monedula - Grajilla - Gralla
Jackdow - Corvus monedula - Grajilla - Gralla
Spanish Green Frog - Rana verde - Granota Verda
Spanish Green Frog - Rana verde - Granota Verda
Window with escudos de armas en Trujillo
Window with escudos de armas en Trujillo
Blue flower
Blue flower
Tassle Hyacinth - Muscari comosum
Tassle Hyacinth - Muscari comosum
Blue iris
Blue iris
Pink flowers
Pink flowers
Pink flowers
Pink flowers
Ringed flower
Ringed flower
Small blue iris
Small blue iris
Yellow flower
Yellow flower
Kathy in Monfrague casttle
Kathy in Monfrague casttle
Monfrague Hermitage
Monfrague Hermitage
Nelson in Monfrague casttle
Nelson in Monfrague casttle
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Tong Orchid - Sirrapias lingua
Tong Orchid - Sirrapias lingua
Viperine or Water snake
Viperine or Water snake
Blue flower
Blue flower
Kathy enjoying birdwatching in a Dehesa forest
Kathy enjoying birdwatching in a Dehesa forest
Kathy in Monfrague
Kathy in Monfrague
White flowers
White flowers
Cistus opening early in the morning
Cistus opening early in the morning
Italian man orchid
Italian man orchid
Bee on a Gum Cistus
Bee on a Gum Cistus
Natrix snake eating a Natejack Toat
Natrix snake eating a Natejack Toat
Natrix snake eating a Natejack Toat
Natrix snake eating a Natejack Toat
Natrix snake eating a Natejack Toat
Natrix snake eating a Natejack Toat
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