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Terry Melman | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Terry Melman
Name Terry Melman (joined 27-Aug-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username creativeimagery
Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Terry Melman has 4 galleries and 65 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 27179 times.

View Guestbook : 1 messages. Most recent on 31-Mar-2009.

Message from Terry Melman
I have been taking photographs, sometimes seriously, sometimes not, for more
than 40 years. In the early 1990's I began selling my photographs through
galleries in Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Lansing and Holland, Michigan. By the
mid 1990's I had stopped seriously taking and selling photos (even though a
market was there), discouraged by the difficulties and costs associated with
getting my slides made into prints. In 2005 I purchased a good digital
camera, and my interest in photography was re-ignited. Digital imaging gives
me a degree of control over the final product that I never had with film.

The photos in my portfolios were taken using film or digital cameras. Most of
the flower pictures were taken in a studio setting so that I could control
lighting, background and placement. The picture "California Poppies" was
created by placing the flowers on a flatbed scanner and placing a piece of
multi-colored colored poster-board behind them. All of the photos were
cropped and adjusted with Photoshop. Adjustments included brightness,
contrast, tone, sharpness, saturation and noise reduction. Some photos were
edited to remove stray leaves or distracting background shadows. I believe
that my photos display a distinctive style, and I hope you find them

Terry Melman
Creative Imagery
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