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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Close Encounters > johannaPorlshrine08.jpg
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Johanna with Porl at the Shrine aftershow (June 1st, 2008)

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Craig Parker02-Jun-2008 09:57
From Johanna: "I was lucky enough to be at the after party again for the 2nd Los Angeles show. Robert left early AGAIN, due to his voice. Jason left pretty quickly, I THINK with his kids. Simon stuck around for a bit. (Happy birthday, btw). I caught Porl walking towards the back and I ran to get to him and I was lucky enough to catch him RIGHT before he went into the car. God. It was amazing. Thank you Porl.

His body guard took this picture and sucked ass by doing so :( He put it on zoom. I didn't have a digital camera for either show!"