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Jérôme with Robert in Marseille, France (March 4th, 2008)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ8
1/30s f/2.8 at 7.1mm iso100 full exif

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Jekel 06-Aug-2008 03:50
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...and Bob does celebrity makeover...tee hee hee..Id piss my pants laughing. I'd most certainly watch if all the celebrities making him over wound up "accidentally" dead by the end of the program. Good Bye Paris ...hahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha
You 04-Aug-2008 21:39
How rude. Robert looks fantastic for his age. Yes, the lipstick is a bit heavy but only because he has such great lips. The best look would no lipstick, a light beard, and a bit of eyeliner. But whatever - he is attractive regardless. The man is stunningly beautiful, period. :-)
Rojana 17-Apr-2008 20:21
why Robert have not a child?.could not he have a child or don't want he have the children?
Guest 15-Apr-2008 22:36
my god...his voice is melting, but in plain site...our man needs a diet and a little bit of a make over...oh, RS,please age more gracefully..time hasn't been kind to you
Vickie 09-Apr-2008 02:49
Everyone gets older its just a fact of life. You know heavy makeup and add years. He could maybe tone down a little! I still love'em
billie 02-Apr-2008 09:06
In fact Mary don't give permission to cut his hair.Robert hasn't the freedom to cut his hair and to follow of his wife because mary leave him if he don't obey of her.
tavo 31-Mar-2008 13:14
That supposed to be Mary commenting? YHEA RITE!
catie (aka the voice of reason) 25-Mar-2008 07:06
Dudes. I remember the interview where he said his wife wants him to look a certain way, but it's not like she's some kind of dominatrix who tells him how to look all of the time! Also from the same interview (I believe it's on AOL Videos) he said he was about to get it cut for the summer, so no worries, Celia!
billie 14-Mar-2008 17:05
hi celia.Robert can't get a hair cut.he hasn't the freedom to cut his haire.becuse he dreads of his wife.Mary leave(abandon)Robert if he cut his haire.Robert always followe the example of his wife,like a child.and it is interesting and ridiculous
Celia 13-Mar-2008 15:47
Robert should get a hair cut, if you see the 2007 pics and then this!! hes getting older and older oh so fast!! But that hair!! he looks better with his hair shorter...Bob, think about getting a cut please!
M.S 12-Mar-2008 09:28
My beautiful angel finally your attractive look to cause to be killed me.vaaaaaay you are my beautiful fat baba