this is a great photo! At least Robert doesn't look annoyed.
07-Jun-2011 11:38
beautiful pic!
07-Jun-2011 07:15
Thanks for the compliments.... very nice.. wish robert would comment.....PLEASE!
06-Jun-2011 14:26
RSX always smiles for a pretty fan! (most fan pics he looks somewhat annoyed ~ and let's face it, it must be annoying to see the same 2-3 stalker/fans @ every show demanding photos)
06-Jun-2011 08:43
hey kelly - as amazing and awesome as this foto is and dont get me wrong it def is!!!! i just wanted to say in the most respectful, complimentary way u have the most gorgeous unbelievable eyes!!!! well done!!!
sorry as u must get ppl saying that to u all the time...
From Kelly: "I waited with about 8 other people (I didn't know) and some I just met, at The Hotel the guys were staying at...5 am rolled around and in rolled the van... Robert was last to get out and I waited and watched as he happily signed autographs... He turned to take a pen and paper from me but I didn't take mine out.. I looked at him and said "I don't need an autograph, I was hoping for a photo please." he said sure, and his body guard snapped the photo..It was as simple and a quick as last lingering gaze between us and he was gone....."