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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Reflections >> Sydney Airport > Autographed Faith 1.jpg
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Autographed Faith 1.jpg

Qiong met the band at the airport and had them sign a Faith vinyl. Here's the story from Qiong:

"Robert came out late so the entourage kindly reminded me they can't spend too long inside the airport. So our words are no more than just Hello & Thank you. And Robert was talking to other crews at the time I request for photo etc.

But since Lol and Roger came out earlier I did spend a lit bit longer time with them. Lol is so gracious to all my requests and Roger looked unhappy with long flying. But they were all very gentle to me.

My hands were so full not able to handle pens camera and ipod touch very well this morning.

photo1: I bought it in 2007 from eBay with these autographs signed by R, S & L in 1981 after a show in Brisbane according to the previous owner, when I wasn't born yet!

photo2: I let three of them sign it today as things changed ever since then. And it is also very unexpectedly that Lol can join the band back again at the time of the 30th anniversary of the album as well as the autograph. I will keep it as a lifelong treasure. I can't be more grateful to have that opportunity to let it happen."

Apple iPod touch
1/15s f/2.4 at 3.8mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 28-May-2011 19:32
Yes, that looks like their signatures from the era. stop being such a skeptic!
Guest 28-May-2011 18:23
fake??? or did they really sign like this in 81??????